Wednesday, October 13, 2021

I May Have A Scrap Problem.... But One Less Scrappy WIP!


Hi, all!

One day not too long ago, a kind reader asked if I was ever going to start posting again on Scrappy Wednesdays.  With a request like that, how can I not?  I had stopped for a while because I was so pushed by commission work, I didn't have time to do any scrappy sewing and very little surfing for inspiration.  But it's better now and I promise to be better about posting regularly!

And today I have an actual scrappy finish to share!  First, a little history.  In November 2019, I made this fun quilt using Amy Smart's Patchwork Forest pattern....

I used a fat quarter bundle of Sugar Plum by Heather Ross, and when the quilt was finished, I still had a good bit of scrap left over. Rather than throw it into the scrap bins, I decided to cut it all into 3.5" squares so I could make a snowflake quilt.  I'm pretty sure I started it in late 2019 or very early 2020, but unfortunately life got busy and it ended up tucked away in a project bag on a shelf.  

When Leanne (@devotedquilter) started her WIPS-B-Gone 2021 challenge, this was one of the projects I pulled out and put on my list - and today I finished it!

I had to make some adjustments as I laid this quilt out, because it turned out I didn't have quite enough print pieces for the original design.  So I made it a little smaller and I think it looks just fine!

Have you tried using the portrait mode on your iPhone to take quilt shots?  It can really give some interest to your pictures!

I had a pretty piece of sparkly snowflake fabric tucked in that project bag for the back, too!   It makes a nice counterpoint to the front of the quilt.

And I finished it off with a pretty aqua binding from my stash.  Not a typical Christmas choice, but it goes well with the colors on the front!

So I finally have a scrappy finish - the first in a long while!  What have you been working on while I've been slacking off?




  1. Your snowflake quilt is so cute! This will be nice to snuggle under this winter, happy stitching! I'm glad the Wednesday posts are back, I've missed them!

  2. Such a cute quilt and I love the aqua binding!

  3. This is a very nice modern Christmas quilt--the fabrics work beautifully with the snowflake and the backing is perfect! I like the pop of turquoise! Nice scrappy Wednesday!

  4. With the aqua/teal that quilt has a retro 50's vibe! Great work as always.

  5. Wonderful finish! You did a great job adjusting the quilt and making the project work.

  6. Congrats on your scrappy finish, Sarah! It's a beauty.

  7. Congrats on the finished scrappy quilt. It's very inspiring. I can hardly believe you ran out of print pieces to make this quilt. Just raise your hand if you want me to ship you some. haha. ;^)

  8. Welcome back I May Have a Scrap Problem 😉


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