Friday, October 14, 2022

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Progress Is Good, Right?

Hi, all! 

Friday is here once again (hallelujah, right?) and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  Just as a reminder, it doesn't have to be a finish (good thing!) it can just be whatever is making you do a little happy dance this week!  So let's get started!


This week I've started a whole lot of things, but haven't finished much - - well, unless you count sewing the last hexie on this top!

I've still got to add borders and do the quilting, but it sure felt good (and a little strange) to sew on that final hexie!

Next up, progress on the annual quilts.  Nathanael's Dragon Dreams quilt is finally all cut out (so many little pieces!)...

...and I started sewing the strip sets together for Lilli's quilt.  I've got 21 sets sewn together already, and hope to finish sewing the rest together by Monday.

And then, in other (non-quilting) news, I made some pan-fried dumplings!  Nathanael and I share a deep love for dumplings, so I cooked up a huge bag full of them and we ate dumplings until we almost burst!

And this tree makes me whoop it up every time I see it out my studio window!  It turns such a beautiful shade of red, I don't mind having to rake up the leaves later on in the year!

And finally, how about a whoop for Bree? While she's still a wild child, she's a very good car rider!  She cracks me up, looking so serious as she sits there....

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. So glad that you are back to blogging. Hope that you are feeling better. You still amaze me with all of the work that you do.

  2. You get a huge Whoop, whoop from me!! Your Hexie quilt all ready for the border is a super big Wow! Dumplings sound define - love them too - and the fall leaves out of your window is a real showcase. Your Bree sitting so straight and obedient, looks so cute. Enjoy your weekend, Sarah!

  3. Sewing the last hexie onto the body was a BIG accomplishment! She's beautiful! Happy stitching on your new projects.

  4. Love your hexie quilt but especially love picture of Bree.

  5. Whoop from me to you! You are moving ahead on all those quilts. Great work! Keep posting those pictures of Bree, adorable.

  6. oh yes love those dumplings! and bree is soo adorable in her spot!

  7. ok Sarah, tell me about those dumplings! They look delish. Bree is adorable!

  8. I'm so glad you're back and feeling well. I have so missed your Friday posts!

  9. Of course, you can have Whoop Whoop! And Bree can have one too. Whoop Whoop! Gosh! That tree is gorgeous. Good progress on your projects. ;^)

  10. Hi Sarah - Just want to say I am so glad you are back online. We all have missed you!!

  11. So happy. You are back!

  12. It's good to see you back posting! And Bree is so cute!! xx

  13. Good luck with the annual quilts. I was happy to see Friday. Monday was a holiday for us (Thanksgiving), and short work weeks always feel like they last two weeks. LOL

  14. You sure can--nice work on the kids quilts--that's an amazing venture; I know cuz I am trying to make 4 by Christmas (2 down and 2 to go!)

  15. Those dumplings look yummy and Bree is perfect in the car. We miss our dog terribly so it is fun to see other folk's pups in action!

  16. It is nice to see this regular feature pop up on my reading list. I'm enjoying seeing the hexie quilt come together.

  17. Those Fridays are coming closer and closer together, aren't they? Your hexie project is beautiful and the dumplings look amazing Now I'm hungry.


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