Monday, October 3, 2022

Make-A-List Monday - Vacation's Over, Back to Work!


Hi, all!

Vacation's over, and we managed to miss the ravages of Hurricane Ian.  We were staying on Tybee Island in Georgia, very close to the waterfront, and out of an abundance of caution, left on Thursday just ahead of the storm.  It was sad to cut our trip short, but we didn't want to drive back through wind and rain, and we have a lovely porch to spend time on at home!

I did get some things done on my to-do list, so let's see how it went...

1.  Keep working on my hexie quilt.

Done!  I got one end completely squared up, and the other is coming along - maybe another week, possibly two, and this will be done!

2.  Put borders on the string quilt and turn it over to someone else for finishing.

Didn't get to this one, so it will carry over to next week!

3.  Pull/buy fabrics for Emmy's annual quilt, and locate pattern sheets needed.

Partially done - I did locate the pattern sheets I needed, but haven't pulled the fabrics.

4.  Cut out Nathanael's annual quilt.

Didn't get to this!

5.  Press fat quarters for Lilli's annual quilt.

Done!  Aren't those shot cottons just gorgeous?

So considering I wasn't home most of the time, I think I made fairly decent progress on those projects!  Here's what I'll be working on this week...

1.  Put borders on the string quilt and turn it over to someone else for finishing.

2.  Pull/buy fabrics for Emmy's annual quilt.

3.  Cut out Nathanael's annual quilt.

4.  Cut out Lilli's annual quilt.

5.  Keep working on (finish?) the hexie quilt top.

6.  Get back in the habit of writing blog posts!

That last entry sounds funny, but it's harder than you think - I didn't remember until Friday night that (a) it even WAS Friday, and (b) that I had forgotten to write a Whoop-Whoop post!  Granted, I was in a car driving most of the day on Thursday, when I would normally have written it, but I just completely forgot.  So bear with me while I get back into the swing of things...

And now, I really need to know - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. So good to see you working back at it. This weekend coming up is the guild quilt show, so putting it up and taking it down will take all my energy. We just got back from 4 days in the Adirondacks- super weather and tons of photos to paint!

  2. Do you really make each of your children a quilt each year? (I'm assuming these are your children.)

  3. Sarah, each time i see a new post from you i am happy all over again that you're back!

  4. I always enjoy reading your posts! I just finished sewing the individual blocks of a quilt and have started sewing the blocks together, if that makes any sense.
    Happy Sewing!

  5. Still organizing in my sewing room. Trying to pull some scrap fabrics and/or orphan blocks for holiday gifts. My plan is to make some candle mats to include with some neat candles that I found online.

  6. I am working on several projects-on the quilting frame, piecing geese, putting on binding fto name a few! And still cleaning up from the yard junk from Ian!

  7. I feel your pain with the habit of posting. I, too, was off for a bit (broken ankle) and am not close to my prior level of production. Hoping for a burst of energy in the cooler days of fall. I have lots to do so I think it may work! Good luck with your list this week.

  8. Happy to hear that you were able to spend a few days on vacation before the storm. I'm happy you are posting again...take your time getting back into it. We'll be here!

  9. I am so happy you are back. I missed your posts. GM from Canada

  10. Don’t feel bad, I worked hard to get my To Do Tuesday post and this morning I see I forgot to link up! Where am I anywhere? LOL. You will get there! Lots of work on those hexagons. Hugs


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