Friday, August 4, 2023

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? Progress, and a Giveaway!


Hi, all!

Well, it's Friday once again, and we all know what that means!  It's time for us to get our whoop whoop on.  Are you ready?  Let's go!


Summer is drawing to a close - the kids go back to school next week - and soon we'll be hot and heavy into quilting season!  I'm busily trying to finish up some things so I can move into the next season with a clear conscience.  

I started out this week working hard on this t-shirt quilt, a commission for a local elementary school principal.  I got the borders on it, and had planned to spray baste it Thursday afternoon.  But first, I needed to vacuum the floor.  As soon as I started the vacuum cleaner, Bree came rushing upstairs to give that nasty machine a piece of her mind!  And then when I finally finished vacuuming, dodging her all the time, she decided to stay upstairs and protect me from the wicked thing.  Which meant I couldn't lay the quilt out on the floor to baste it, because she would have been all over it trying to see what I was doing!  

So then I moved on to this - my second go at the wall-hanging size of this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt.  We made these at our sewing day last Saturday - eleven of my sewing sisters got together before we start up again for our quilt ministry, and this was our project.  I was helping teach people some of the new techniques and didn't get all my blocks finished, so when I couldn't baste that quilt, I made the last two blocks and assembled the whole top.  it's ready for quilting now!

Then I took a cute panel I found at church on Tuesday and turned it into a little baby quilt.  Fortunately we had a great teal at church for the outer border, and I had a gray that matched perfectly for the inner border.  And after I left on Tuesday night, Piper found the perfect piece for the backing.  I'll share a picture after it's finished!

Wednesday Lilli came over and spent the day.  She pressed some scraps for me to cut up, and then we spent most of the rest of the day making fresh peach hand pies!  I say we - what I really mean is that I watched her perform magic in the kitchen without a single recipe.  Don't they look wonderful?  She also made this delicious spiced caramel from scratch, and it was so good I didn't even remember that I had bought vanilla ice cream to go with the pies!

And now - would you like something to whoop about?  I've got a couple of extra kits made up for the Christmas tree wall hanging and I'd love to give them away!  

I will draw two winners from the people who comment on this post.  The kit contains all the pieces cut to make the top that I showed above, and a copy of the instructions.  There's also a candy cane to get you in the spirit!  So leave a comment and be sure to leave your email address in the comments just in case you come through as a no-reply blogger.  (You can list it as "name (at) domain (dot) com" to avoid getting spam.)  I'll draw two winners and announce them next Monday, so don't delay in leaving a comment!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Very cute baby quilt, and congrats on getting the t-shirt quilt top done. Maybe Bree will let you get it layered this weekend. I'd love to win the Christmas wallhanging kit.

  2. It has been a busy week for you, wish I had accomplished that much. Maybe this week.

  3. I really love this wall hanging! I couldn’t join the 12 days of Christmas in July, while we moved back to Germany, but in case being a winner, I still have an address in the USA.
    Happy quilting, Elke

  4. Love that sweet little Christmas wallhanging! I know it's time to be thinking about holiday sewing but I'm like you - trying to finish some projects so I can start relatively freshly in fall. Lucky for me that I have a stack of holiday mug rugs made back in January to give away this year. mkotch731(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. the wall hanging is just perfect for christmas

  6. I enjoy reading your blog!

  7. The Christmas tree looks great! I just made a Christmas tree quilt earlier this year so don't put my name in the drawing. I bet those peach hand pies were delicious!

  8. I look forward to all your posts, so many great ideas. You are an inspiration! Thanks for taking the time to share with us :) gregoryandcj at gmail dot com

  9. Your baby quilt is adorable. I love the green fabric used for the Christmas tree in your wall hanging, too. And the hand pie with caramel sauce looks delicious! rnseifeld11 (at) gmail (dot) com.

  10. Nice week in the studio! What would you do without Bree to protect you?! lol I do wonder why you spray baste when you have a quilting frame? The Christmas Tree quilt kit is a bonus!

  11. The pictures of the pies made me hungry! I'm making strawberry rhubarb pie today, but now look forward to a peach pie soon. You are so sweet to offer a giveaway of that great quilt kit! erindumont59atyahoodotcom

  12. Well done, Sarah even if Plan A didn't work out. You manage to do a lot with your time. I love the panel baby quilt. So cute! Would it be possible to "invite" Lily to my place for the weekend? That pie looks so good! I think I can smell it from here. Enjoy! ;^)

  13. Each time I see one of your t-shirt quilts I'm reminded that I have a large bag my husband kindly donated for me to make him one. Suppose I best get to it. The baby quilt is super sweet. I can't believe how your grandchildren have grown and Lilli has become quite the baker.

  14. Cute projects. The pie looks amazing. She did a fantastic job. quilting(at)storiesfromthesewingroom(dot)com

  15. wish you were giving away some of those peach hand pies....they looked absolutely AWESOME!!!!!

  16. Would love to have the peach pie recipe and could I borrow Lilli to come iron my scraps?

  17. Ooh, yum, those hand pies look amazing! Lilli is becoming a wonderful baker! Your T-shirt quilt reminds me that I have one cut out and waiting for about 10 years, for my daughter's ex-boyfriend. They broke up suddenly right after I started it and it has just resurfaced... so no rush! I'd love to win a Christmas tree wallhanging kit! patti(dot)mcg(at)verizon(dot)net

  18. ooooo I want a peach pie, with caramel sauce! Make it two, when things taste good you want one for later, or a husband!!! Not surprised you have talented sweet friends.... you are one. Thanks for the chance to win such a fun prize! LeeAnna at leeannaquilts at gmail dot com

  19. Sounds like you had a great week - and what a protector you have!!! Love the Peach hand pies - they look amazing

  20. Your wall hanging is wonderful. I would love to make the quilt size, not sure when though. You are a saint to quilt a tshirt quilt. They make me go running in the opposite direction.

  21. Love the baby quilt and the giveawya is so generous. Fun to see those peach hand pies...the peaches in Maine are nothing like the peaches you get further south. This year they are rare due to freeze that killed the blossoms....heading to NJ next week...maybe there will be some there.

  22. Love your blog

  23. Love the Christmas tree kit! kbdarlin(at)aol(dot)com

  24. That Lilli is really something! I wish I'd learn to bake when I was her age. She is really an amazing human! :-)
    The wall hanging is so cute! Thank you for sharing the leftover kits. It would be fun to make. Your blog continues to inspire.

  25. Wish I had something to "whoop" about 😞 Winning would help me find my quilting mojo.

  26. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for sharing! We are taking it one day at at time never know what tomorrow holds. Enjoying each day as it comes!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I am trying again - left out my email. Your wall hanging is sheer perfection - would love to attempt to make this Christmas quilt. Peaches are my favorite - the hand pies look so inviting. Have a great weekend. a(dot)haun(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  29. The handpies look delicious. I love peach baked goods. I need to get my place in order, too.

  30. This newsletter is so positive and helped cheer me up this morning. Ready to get quilting with the inspiration. I love this wall hanging, its too cute! I hope to win one. Have a great day, Sarah. mmberan62atgmaildotcom

  31. I'm doing a tee shirt quilt also. It has odd sized blocks so has been on my design wall so long I'm thinking of charging it rent. Ha ha. (Ritaanneh at gmail dot com).

  32. I would love to be chosen for one of the Christmas wall hanging kits! I fully intended to get started on this one, but I can't seem to get my derriere into gear. Too many projects and chores and too much indecision! No matter who gets it, thanks for such a generous offer, and for having the wall hanging pattern and instructions on your blog!

  33. I love the tree quilt. I think it is really special that and your granddaughter spend time.together.

  34. I also just finished two t-shirt quilt tops for my brother-in-law. He is an avid runner, swimmer, biker, marathoner, half Ironman competitor and had a boatload of t-shirts he wanted made into quilts! It was fun! Thanks for the giveaway Sarah. You are so generous with us - not only sharing a pattern but now also doing a giveaway. Thanks!

  35. You are such a an inspiration with all that you get accomplished. Love that Bree protects you so well from the big bad vacuum. I could use a Lilli around my house to make peach pies, or any type of pies. I love pies.

  36. My nephew’s wife has asked me to make a t-shirt quilt from her Mom’s shirts I love seeing yours as it gives me ideas of how to do it. I made two small ones for my boys about 15 years ago so it will be like starting new again. The wall hanging looks wonderful ! I love peaches and the hand pies look delicious. Luckily my granddaughter also likes to bake with me!

  37. You amaze me with all the things you get done! I would love a recipe for the peach hand pie. It looks so good! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway.

  38. Thanks for your sharing! And a chance😘

  39. I'm so glad that Bree is keeping you safe from dangerous home appliances. Keep up the good work, Bree!

  40. Love that baby quilt! I made a similar one last summer for great niece #2 with sea themed panel blocks and ocean blue batiks. I framed the blocks in some trim that is called Chenille-It Blooming Bias. It's fun texture for babies.

  41. The wall hanging is so cute. I have the perfect place for it in the entry way.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. You are an inspiration I love getting your posts in my inbox

  44. You’re so productive these days. Wish I could say the same for myself. I promise, if I win the kit, I will make that quilt! Cannot believe how much Lilli has grown and what all she can do! I bet she can make her own Christmas quilts, soon! LOL
    Just in case my email is

  45. Is there a recipe for the peach hand pie? Peaches are in season and my favorite fruit. Carol

  46. I always look forward to your posts! What a lovely hand pie -- to think she bakes without a recipe! Deb E

  47. The pie looks so delicious and without a recipe…. You are such an inspiration to me. I love seeing your quilts and Brea is adorable.

  48. I love the Christmas tree wall hanging, will definitely be making it. The peach pie made me so hungry! Very talented Lilly🥰.

  49. What a wonderful, busy week! I can totally relate to ferocious furbabies "defending you" from your vacuum cleaner. That made me chuckle. And yes, I suppose we ARE headed into Quilting Season -- it usually grabs me by surprise, the way everything in the quilting world suddenly accelerates when the schools go back in session, so thanks for the heads-up!

  50. I love the green fabric you used for the tree! I've got two tshirt quilts to make and for some reason I'm just dreading it. I'm sure after I get started it will be better.

  51. Sarah, I love your blog and look forward to the wonderful things you share. I admire your constant charity work and smile at all the variety of gifts you send out. Thanks for hosting the linkies. Your time off left a hole in our lives. Sending prayers and hugs for wonderful you.

  52. ooo! a giveaway! i'd be thrilled to win this- we don't have many christmas quilts around here... djcap8 (at) frontiernet (dot) net

  53. I really like the baby quilt made from the panels. I think it is that teal border that draws me in. I also think the Christmas tree is perfect too. 14 the money at duck dot com

  54. Those pie and caramel sauce have my mouth wanting one to eat. Like what you did with the panel.

  55. What a lucky Grandma to have such a talented baker for a granddaughter!!! If she has a recipe, would she share??

  56. I’ve always envied people who can make clothes or food without a pattern or recipe. I can copy but not create!

  57. It looks like you have a chef in the making. I made the chocolate chip cookie recipe and they were delicious. delch81 at gmail dot com.

  58. What a great mini quilt to kick the Christmas season off with!!! My mum never used a recipe and turned out amazing treats. Such a wonderful talent!! And yummy too! Havnfun89( at)gmail(dot)com

  59. I’m always so impressed with your outreach with your local church and community! This mini quilt would look awesome as a holiday wall hanging

  60. Opps that me #61 candywigton at gmail dot com

  61. Love this tree wall hanging! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  62. Those pies look devine! That mini quilt is awesome! butler83ataoldotcom

  63. I believe you should eat a hand pie to reward yourself for creating this amazing tree quilt!!!


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

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