Friday, August 21, 2015

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Big Milestone, and a GIVEAWAY!!

Hi, all!

Here it is, Friday again - and time to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  I certainly am - I've been waiting for this day for a long time and can't wait to celebrate with all of you!  So let's get started!


A few weeks ago, I noticed something on my blog statistics, and started keeping a close eye on some of those figures.  Then just the other day, I saw what I had been looking for....

One Million Page Views!!!

How cool is that?

And not only that, but this week I passed 300 followers on Instagram!  

I think all that deserves a celebration!
So let's have a giveaway!!

One lucky person will win this one-hour basket full of all kinds of quilt-y goodies...

And here's all you need to do to enter!

For one entry, leave a comment on this blogpost.  Just to make it interesting, answer the question of the comment before yours and leave a question for the next commenter.  I'll start it off for the first commenter with this question - Mac or PC?

For additional entries, you can do any or all of the following:

Link up with Whoop Whoop Friday below!

Be or become a follower of this blog.

Be or become a follower of @fabricaddictquilts on Instagram.

Share on your own blog or Instagram about this giveaway. 
(leave a link to your post or your Instagram handle in a comment.)

Leave a separate comment for each entry (except for linking up - I'll get those entries from the linky list).
You can enter until Thursday, August 27th at noon EST, and the winner will be announced next Friday, August 28th.
Who knows - maybe it will be you!!


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

What's got you dancing the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you -

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Thursday 8/27 at noon -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Machine piecing.
    Congrats Sarah! Wow, more than a million pageviews and so many followers.

  2. Since there's no question before me I'll answer yours. I'm a Mac person. Hard copy or PDF pattern preference?

  3. Applique!

    Pre-wash fabric or not?

    Congratulations on reaching the million what a great.milestone to reach!

  4. Only if the colors are very bright! Do you label your quilts?

  5. Both, it depends on how many miles the trip is.

    Yoga or traditional workout?

  6. Yoga :) Thanks for the chance Sarah! And CONGRATS!!!
    Hand quilted or machine quilted ??

  7. Machine Quilted! What a fun way to make comments!!
    Yardage or Precuts?

  8. Machine quilted! Congratulations Sarah! Dog person or cat person?

  9. Cat person. Yardage and others scraps.
    Congratulations, Sarah!
    I love and use vintage machines, so Vintage machine owner/user or new bells and whistles plastic machine user?

  10. Congratulations, Sarah! I own and use a Kenmore computerized sewing machine, but I also own a vintage Singer treadle machine that is still missing a few parts. I do plan to get her functional eventually, though, so I guess I'm both :)

    Do you prefer your treats to be sweet, salty or both?

  11. I prefer yardage over fat quarters
    I'm a dog person
    I like salty and sweet treats
    Day or evening quilter?

  12. Day quilter on my days off.
    Congratulations on your milestones!!
    Longarm or domestic quilter, or pay someone else?

  13. I'm trying to quilt my own quilts on my domestic machine. Messy stash or neat stash?

  14. My stash is relatively neat. :) Thanks for the generous giveaway and congrats! on 1 million page views!

    Winter or Summer?

  15. Long arm quilter! I love it!

    Cotton thread or poly for quilting?

  16. I follow via Bloglovin'.

    sew4given AT aol DOT com

  17. Poly. Morning person or night owl?

  18. I follow on Instagram and my handle there is katyquilts

    Thanks for the chance to win! And congrats on your milestone!

    sew4given AT aol DOT com

  19. Congratulations on your million page views and 300 followers! Boo hiss -- katyquilts forgot to ask me a question, so I'm answering Debbie McDonald's question:
    Previous night owl, now more of a morning person -- as long as no one dares to speak to me before I've finished my coffee. ;-)

  20. Whoop-Whoop! To your fun blog and Instagram milestones. Thanks for the giveaway.
    khnmdronchi (at)

    I use cotton thread.
    Dog or Cat or no pet?

  21. prefer a dog but I have no pet - thanks for the give away Sarah
    Hand quilt or machine quilt which do you prefer?

  22. A million views is a huge milestone. Don't you wish you had a million pieces of fabric to go with each view?
    I am a dog lover, no pet at this time, just sit my grand doggies.

    My question - Chocolate, milk, dark or white?

  23. I follow via Instagram :) I am @MeadowMistDesigns

  24. Chocolate milk for sure.

    My question - What is your favorite tool or notion for quilting that you did not get in a quilt shop?

  25. Congrats!

    Looks like the 2 above me posted at the same time, so I will answer both

    I prefer the look of hand quilting but machine quilting is so much faster so that is what I do.

    Milk Chocolate, with white a close second.

    My question - Do you drink something when sewing? Coffee, tea, water, or something stronger???

  26. Sometimes, I drink coffee but I'm usually so worried about a spill that I don't.

    My question = Do you go to your county or state fair to see the quilts?

    svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  27. I follow via BlogLovin

    svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  28. County fair to see our church raffle quilt with a ribbon!

    Congrats on your impressive milestone! Hand or machine applique?

  29. I have gone to the county fair to see quilts and have even entered some there. My question: Do you buy fabric at Joann's?

  30. Both hand and machine -- not that I get the hand ones done but I like to do them. When did you make your first quilt? Thanks for the opportunity to win a lovely looking basket of goodies.

  31. Wow fun way to comment! Summer but not too hot:) Sewing Machine?

  32. Very cool giveaway set up. Sewing machine? I'm only allowed one? I use a vintage Singer Rocketeer for piecing, a basic brother for quilting, and am in the process of getting a featherweight in working order for traveling. (I also have 3 more featherweights that my MIL has asked my husband and I to look at.)

  33. For got to ask a question. Oops. Favorite kind of fabric (i.e. batiks, solids, reproductions, novelty, etc.)

  34. Congrats on hitting your milestones, Sarah!
    Pfaff at home, Janome 760 for travel.
    Mountains or shore?

  35. Shore for me. I grew up on the ocean and now live in the mountains! Great, generous giveaway. My question is " do you sew on a computerized or vintage machine?"

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Computerized Janome Horizon is what I use to piece and Free Motion Quilt - sew much fun. My question is do you quilt your own creations or send them out to be quilted?

  38. Congratulationa Sarah! What an awesome accomplishment ❤️ I've been an Instagram follower for a few weeks now @redbirdquiltco - Cheers!

  39. Let's not forget I've been a blog follower since Way Back! I follow via GFC (for better or worse). Happy day and Congrats again - thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  40. a MILLION!?! Congrats! i do all my own quilting, and am really enjoying learning more. Is it raining where you are today?

  41. Congrats Sarah, what an accomplishment. I'm a follower. No rain in mid Michigan today, the sun is shining brightly. Are you a traditional or modern quilter?

  42. No rain here!

    Beach or Lake?

  43. Big congrats on your one-million page views! Truly whoop-worthy! I'm already a follower.
    I'm a 60/40 mix of modern and traditional at the moment.
    Chocolate? or wine?

  44. I prefer a beach!

    What's your favorite apple?

    lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com

  45. I too am a follower from Perth Australia and I am a traditional quilter.
    Do you bind quilts by hand or machine ?

  46. Whoop Whoop for you Sarah! 1 million page views is something to crow about for sure!
    To answer Sue's question - I bind both by hand and by machine, depending upon the quilt's use.
    So my question is... what is your favorite time of the day (or night) to sew?

  47. Follower since the first time I visited you, but just started following you on Instagram (they finally made an app for Windows users) I', @buzzinbumble

  48. Favorite time to sew? Any TIME!! I'm 24-7 most days. My question? Christmas is around the corner - what is the number one item on your quilter's Christmas Wish List?

  49. Follow via email and in my blogger reading list too ;) Kathi

  50. I follow your blog, and my favorite time to sew is anytime before 6 pm. I'm usually out of energy by then.

    My questions is: Chocolate or Vanilla?

  51. My all time wish is to continue be able to see to sew, as I have some eye challenges, and I do a lot of charity sewing. I follow you on cloud. feedly. A friend set me up with it. I love your ideas and enthusiasm. Question, Make one project at a time, or have many going?

  52. I want EQ7! This paper, pencil, ERASSING is so old school. Open seams or press to one side?

  53. I follow your blog...religiously!

  54. I have EQ6 but necer learned how to use it :-S My question, do you quilt your own quilts or send them to a quilter?

  55. Congrats! Pressed to the side. Gotta nest those seams. Are you a pinner or no?

  56. YES...I'm one of those extreme pinners! Gotta have those sharp pins too...yeah I'm kinda picky but it works for me. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, the basket! My question: since I am currently on vacation, do you make a point to visit a quilt shop when you are out of town on vacation?

  57. I'm a pinner--some of the time. If I can press it together I prefer to do that, but sometimes it just won't work. Where do you look for quilting inspiration?

  58. You go, girl! Congratulations on the milestone! My answer: I look for quilting inspiration on the colorful pages of magazines, any magazine will do. My question: What do you do when you enter a quilt store and don't find what you are looking for: leave, or purchase something else?

  59. I find inspiration in solving quilting problems...Not enough of a fabric, a color I Have To Use... A special gift for a special reason.
    My question is; Do you ever get up extra early to sew?

  60. Is my husband reading this? I rarely leave a quilt store empty handed -even when I can't find what I'm looking for. It's like dress shopping, the perfect dress is always the one you weren't looking for. My question - The perfect holiday is on the coast or in the mountains?

  61. Congratulations on one million! The perfect holiday could be either coast or mountains. How about we alternate years?

    My question - where is your favorite quilt retreat?

    Kathy at

  62. The Oregon coast is beautiful so you would definitely find me heading to the coast. My question - solids or prints?

  63. Holy cow! Congratulations on an amazing milestone and thanks for the chance to win such a generous gift! My answer to Cynthia Brunz Designs question is prints. Although I would like to make a solids quilt. My question: how many quilts have you made? If it's a lot, just ball park it! :)

  64. I follow your blog!

  65. Prints! :) Question, Triangles or won't touch them!

  66. I'm a long-time follower of your blog ... and now instagram, too =)

  67. I blogged about your giveaway!

  68. I follow your blog on Feedly! Congrats!!

  69. I follow you on IG! I'm @sewcraftyjenn :)

  70. Following on Instagram: @jodiiiwatson

  71. Solids. Congrats.
    Background white or cream?

  72. I'm following you on Instagram .
    Thank you .

  73. I'm now following your blog .
    Thank you .

  74. I'm now following your blog .
    Thank you .

  75. I'm following you on Instagram .
    Thank you .

  76. White.
    Coffee or tea?
    congrats Sarah!!

  77. Tea!
    Water with lemon or without?

  78. One coffee in the am, one tea in the afternoon. If I could only have one, it'd be tea.
    Summer or winter?

    Congrats, Sarah; love your blog. :-)

  79. Shared your giveaway on my post:

  80. Love your blog, which I just discovered today! Winter, definitely.
    Coke or Pepsi?

  81. Congrats on your mil views! You are loved :)

  82. Congratulations.... Coke..... Beach or Mountains

  83. I was a coca cola person. Congrats on you million views. Prewash or no.

  84. Mountains - they ground me! Congrats, Sarah!

  85. Congratulations! No prewash. Traditional or modern quilts?

  86. 1-I already am an avid follower. 2- Mix them up. 3- Wow!!! A million views, how awesome is that!

  87. I follow with GFC. A million views is amazing.

  88. I am now making more modern quilts. The first several years I made traditional. Spring or Fall?

  89. Great giveaway! Definitely Spring! Here's one - machine-sewn or hand binding?

  90. Hand binding on the back! Congratulations! Sew over pins???

  91. Nope, never sew over pins. How many UFOs are in the works at your place?


  92. I just added them up this week. There are 37 quilts in some stage of progress. Frightening, right? What is your favorite designer to make quilts with and why?

  93. Brigette Heitland I would say is my favorite designer. I love the patterns and fabrics she comes up with because they seem to be so fresh and modern and just what I am thinking of at the moment she creates them. She has a couple new lines coming out called Paper and one later called Ink. Love them. Okay so my question is where do you find inspiration for your quilts?

  94. Hello Kris,

    Absolutely anything can give inspiration for quilts - crockery designs, pictures in books, fabric designs, leaves picked up when out on a walk...

    My question - would you rather sew to Italian baroque or heavy metal?

  95. Definitely Pepsi!!! Cats or dogs?

  96. Gosh, my question couldn't have been that difficult could it?

    Congratulation Sarah! I have put a mention and link on my blog.

  97. Congrats on your milestone, Sarah!

    Dogs! Plain or peanut M&M's?

  98. Thanks for nice give-away.

    Peanut M&Ms. Bias or straight-grain binding?

  99. Thanks for nice give-away.

    Peanut M&Ms. Bias or straight-grain binding?

  100. Straight grain so far. Have you started Christmas shopping?

  101. Bias Binding :) Would you rather only wear purple or orange for the rest of your life?!

  102. I'm a redhead, so definitely not orange, it would have to be purple, although to be honest I would rather it be green or blue. LOL
    Do you prefer cats or dogs?

  103. I follow your blog!

  104. Congrats! Love the contest. Purple! Elvis or the Beatles?

  105. I follow you on Instagram!

  106. Congrats, Sarah!! I would wear purple for the rest of my happens to be my favorite color!
    If you had to give up either chocolate or coffee, which would it be?

  107. Chocolate. I need the coffee, just want the Chocolate. What colour are your eyes?

  108. Green. Binding -- machine stitch or hand stitch?

  109. Hand stitch binding.
    Question: beach or mountains?

  110. Hmmm hard question. I like both. Depends on my mood and cravings.
    Winter or Summer????

  111. Been following for about a year now!

  112. Paper - its compostable and renewable!
    Ebook or paper book?

  113. Audio books, so I can listen and quilt at the same time.

    Quilt your own tops or send them to a longarmer?

  114. Quilt my own.
    What is your binding philosophy match or contrast?

  115. I'm a new follower and congrats on your million+ views!

  116. 1 million!?!! Whoop Whoop! That's super cool - and 300 on IG! I'm excited to almost be up to 100 on IG. Congratulations to you!
    I follow via bloglovin

  117. Binding philosophy sounds very high toned :) I like it! It depends on the quilt whether I use contrasting or matching.
    Ice Cream - cone or dish?

  118. Congratulations on such an amazing milestone! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

    The question before this was Ice Cream - cone or dish? Definitely cone.

    Question for the next person: Where do you want to retire?

  119. Where to retire? Right where I am—I'm already retired. Love it here. Paper book or e-reader?

  120. Congratulations of a million views. What a milestone! I prefer paper books but use an e-reader all the time since we travel so much and that's an easier way to carry several books. My question: How many sewing machines do you own?

  121. I'm a long-time follower of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway.

  122. Three!
    Warm colors or cool colors?

  123. I follow via bloglovin!

    t_ktl at

  124. Congratulations on your impressive milestone! I usually prefer cool.
    Do you enjoy making small quilts or larger bed size?

  125. I love warm colors! :)

    My Question.. Do your prefer/love Winter or Summer?

  126. Warm colors for me!

    Baby or lap size quilts?

    Sandy A

  127. I follow your bloc through Blog Lovin!
    Sandy A

  128. Am a Follower already, thru Email & Bloglovin :)

  129. I have made an equal number of lap size and baby quilts... I enjoy making lap size quilts!! My question: Snow or Rain?

  130. I'll answer scottylover's question :) Baby quilts are course :) Such a great giveaway!!Thanks so much for the chance to win

  131. I have tweeted about this great giveaway :)

  132. Lap quilts..tropical colors or civil war shades
    I follow by email and bloglovin

  133. Lap quilts.
    Do you use starch on your fabrics while making a quilt?

  134. Tropical colors...........

    What pre-cut do you like?

  135. I like Charm Packs - lots of possibilities.
    What is your favorite color to quilt?

    And WTG, Sarah, on all those page views - totally awesome!

  136. My favorite color to quilt is blue.
    Not sure if this has been asked or not but hand bind or machine bind??

  137. Machine bind (and, I agree with your blue). Living in the mountains or by the sea?

  138. Neither, I live in the flat panhandle of Texas.

    Favorite season?

  139. Following Fabricaddictquilts via IG

  140. Summer!
    Strawberries or blueberries?

  141. I already follow your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win, and congrats!!

  142. Red.

    How many machines do you have?

  143. Three. Regular sewing machine, serger, mid-arm quilting machine. Mountains or beach?

  144. This is fun! I think mountains.
    Day or night quilter?

  145. Mountains forever :)
    What's your dream's country to visit ?

  146. Ireland.

    Do you see the beauty of imperfection?

  147. Yes, I believe some people call it "wonky"! Congrats on the stats, Sarah! Pin or not?

  148. I follow you by email and love every post!

  149. Well, mostly not but I do on sometimes. How many UFO's do you have?

  150. No pinning. Hand or machine applique?

  151. Definitely machine. I love the look of hand applique, but I don't think I'll ever have that much patience.
    Save every little scrap or pitch them?

  152. Congrats, Sarah! I save a lot of scraps, but not every one. I have been known to pitch them and then rescue them later!
    What's your oldest UFO?

  153. My oldest UFO is 2 years old, but I only have 3 total. :-). What time of day do you like to quilt?

  154. I'm a new follower on Instagram, as Ceciliaquilts. Thanks for the great giveaway and congratulations!

  155. Did not see an either/or question so I'll just answer the last question posted. My oldest UFO is a batik quilt I pieced when I lived in Ecuador 3 years ago. Thought having a long arm would eliminate the stash of quilt tops. Who am I kidding?! So, white, red, or something in between (wine that is).

  156. I save anything more than half inch.

    Congrats on your accomplishment.

    Large or small quilts?

  157. Good questions, but I've never tried wine. However my oldest UFO is probably 10 years old, I had lots of stress then and to help reduce it I was sewing like crazy......sewing has always been relaxing for me.

    Sarah, congrats on the 1 million views, that's whoop, whoop worthy!

  158. I'm a blog follower........question many pair of scissors do you have in your sewing area?


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.