Friday, March 29, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Well Begun is Half Done...

Hi, all!

Welcome to another Friday!  Arguably the best day of the week, the beginning of the weekend, and most important of all, time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Let's go!


Well, I don't have a finish this week, but I do have a start!  Wednesday afternoon, I loaded Gypsy Wife onto the quilt frame...

...and Thursday I started quilting her!

I'm using a wool batt again, so I'm doing a lot of heavily filled areas to make other sections stand out.

It's fun coming up with ideas to fill in the spaces!  I've had a lot of help from some good friends...

I'm combing these books, by Christina Cameli, Angela Walters, and  Amanda Murphy, for Quilting ideas.  Excellent quilters all, and they are so good at sharing their techniques!

This is an early shot taken shortly after I started.  I've worked on some of the larger blocks here, and you can see that it's going to show some pretty definition!

A close-up shot of that corner.

The heart was a fun one to quilt.  I really like the bottom corners of that block!

By the end of the afternoon, I had finished most of the first pass.  Fatigue was starting to set in, though, so I killed the electric lights and took some pictures in the natural daylight.

As you can see, I decided to stitch in the ditch between the vertical strips.  I like the definition it gives, but I'm still trying to decide if I want to do anything else in those spaces.

It is amazing how the quilting can change the looks of a block!

I really like seeing this picture of the upper left corner, taken after I added the vertical background stitching.  Look back at the earlier picture of this corner and you can see what a difference it makes!

So in the spirit of "well begun is half done", 
can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. The quilting is really make those blocks pop! Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful quilting Sarah! You get a big whoop, whoop for such intricate work :)!

  3. Gypsy Wife is looking great! I love wool batting, it's my go to batting for hand quilting too.

  4. I LIKE that motto, "Well Begun is Half Done!" I'm going to have to hang that in my studio, where everything is well begun but NOTHING ever seems to get done... :-). Your Gypsy is looking fantastic. I love what you're doing with the quilting, and chuckled when you referred to your quilting books as your "good friends." I feel that way, too.

  5. Your quilting looks so clean and modern-a perfect way to set off these blocks! How do you care for the woolen batting differently than the cotton-is is heavier or lighter than cotton? Inquiring minds like to know! lol

  6. Love the quilting in progress! I'm so looking forward to getting my GW to this stage, but it will be awhile. It's my slow-sewing project!

  7. Your GW is looking great. I love the palette. The addition of tomato red with all those cooler colors is perfection! My GW is in progress; the end is not in sight yet. : )

  8. Your Gypsy Wife looks wonderful! And the quilting is great! I've made two of them, and for some reason this week I have had an urge to start a third one! Crazy!

  9. Another favorite! Looking forward to your finished picture.

  10. Your quilt is gorgeous! I love the colors you used in it. Thanks for hosting Whoop Whoop!

  11. It's looking great so far. Good luck as you continue quilting.

  12. That quilt is incredible and the stitching takes it out of this world!! Also, I tried the shortbread recipe. Made a half batch and it was GONE in 24 hours!

  13. A big whoop whoop for you and your Gypsy Wife, that is a quilt that has been on my "to do" list for a while now. Your quilting is beautiful.

  14. This is looking terrific - and so nice to have "friends" to help you! I love the definition. I think my next Island Batik will have a wool batt. It is going to be an amazing quilt!

  15. Your Gypsy Wife is looking great! I would love to do one someday.

  16. Hi Sarah, I love your quilting and use those books and authors for inspiration also!

  17. That quilt is incredible adhd doctors near me
    and the stitching takes it out of this world!! Also, I tried the shortbread .


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