Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Hand2Help - Learn More About Victoria Quilts Canada!

Hi, all!

Welcome to the third day of the Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge 2019!  This week, we are highlighting each of the five charities chosen for this year.  Monday was Jack's Basket, Tuesday was Mercyful Quilts, and today, our guest blogger is Linda Miller, who will be sharing with us about Victoria Quilts Canada.  This charity is unique in that it is the only one based in Canada.  Let's hear from Linda now, and learn more about this charity!


Hello everyone,
When I was 8 years old, my mother passed from breast cancer.  Her passing changed our family’s life forever.  Since then my sister, brother-in-law and many other friends and family have been diagnosed with cancer.  Some have been successful in their treatment, but others have not.  My mission is to look for ways to bring a measure of comfort to those diagnosed with cancer and one way is through the giving if a quilt through Victoria Quilts Canada.  Even though I am a quilter, I have requested quilts for several individuals and I know how much appreciated they are and the comfort that they bring.
Today I am sharing the ministry of Victoria Quilts Canada https://www.victoriasquiltscanada.comVictoria's Quilts Canada is a non-profit charitable organization, committed to providing comfort, both spiritually and physically, to individuals diagnosed with cancer.VQC was established by Betty Giffin of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in October,1999. She invited a small group of friends to discuss the possibility getting together to make quilts to donate to people living with cancer in Canada.   In their first year, VQC distributed 16 quilts.  While the group started slowly, the idea gained interest and, now, 20 years later, there are over 1,300 volunteers in 24 community branches across Canada. The quilts provided are made by individual quilters who work independently or in groups similar to the quilting bees of times past. Since 1999, they have now delivered by the end of January, 2019, 69230 quilts making and distributing about 600 quilts per month.  In January, 2019, 637 quilts were distributed.  
A Victoria quilt is made with 100% cotton, batting that is either 100% cotton OR a blend of 80% natural fibre (cotton, silk, bamboo) with no more than 20% synthetic (polyester) and a flannel back.  there are made in to three sizes:  adult: approximately 50” x 70”;  youth: approximately 40” x 60”;   child: approximately 30” x 50”.  Adult tops are the most requested and needed. Individuals are encouraged to make and donate the tops and the branch buys the batting and flannel – especially the batting.  There are individuals that quilt the tops, bind and make a bag for delivery.
Quilts can be requested online at their website.  There is no cost.  I do know that they appreciated donation for which a receipt is provided.  I often donate to a local chapter so they can buy batting and pay for anything else they need.  Even though I am a quilter, I have requested quilts for several individuals and I know how much appreciated they are and the comfort that they bring.
So, this year, again, I encourage any who are interested to send quilt tops, 50” x 70”.  Last year, with your help on a very hot summer day in August, in Stratford, Ontario, I was able to deliver 30 tops that were donated by H2H 2018 quilters.  Thank you so much for your support.  Now it is 2019 and I hope you will once again join me in piecing tops, 50” x 70”.  Even if they are not the exact size, that’s okay as tops can be added on to.
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As founder Betty Giffin continues to say, "With the help of our volunteers, the community and blessings from above, we will continue to provide comfort, both physical and spiritual, to those struggling with cancer, and we will continue to grow until the day that cancer is no longer with us." I pray that day comes soon!


Thanks, Linda, for sharing more about this great charity with us.  I'm sure many of us have been touched by cancer, either personally or through family and friends - can you find the time to make a top for this worthy charity?  It's a great way to touch the lives of others in a meaningful way.

I'm so glad Victoria Quilts Canada only wants tops - that takes it much easier to send things to them, despite the postage rates to Canada!  I've probably got a top or two that I could send off right now.  Must go look!

And if you want to know how to sign up for this year's Challenge, go to this post - the sign-up is about halfway down the post!  We've already got 162 people signed up (WOW!!!) but there's plenty of room for more!




  1. Wonderful charity, so nice to see a spot for our Canadian neighbors. Thank you, Sarah, for this event!

  2. Great write up about VQC. I love knowing the story behind all of these organizations. Mailing just the quilt top certainly makes it easier for the quilter wanting to donate - especially if mailing from the US. How awesome is it that so many quilts are made for this deserving cause. Go quilters!! You are all amazing!

  3. There is not a one among us who have not be affected by this disease....

  4. I’m going to pass this post along to my mom. She is a wonderful quilter.

  5. Thanks, Sarah, for having a Canadian charity as an option! I have my fabric picked out and I've already started cutting for my quilt top for VQC :)

  6. I sent one last year and have another almost ready for this year. Thank you!


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