Friday, March 8, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? What a Week!!!

Hi, all!

This week has just flown by, hasn't it?  Hard to imagine, but it's already Friday - and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready - I know I am! - so let's get started!


What a week it has been!!!  Monday morning I got up, all ready to load up my frame and quilt a customer quilt.  I was going all gung ho on it, but when I rolled it up, this is what I saw......

Needless to say, it was NOT a good start to the week - but Tuesday morning I got right back at it and finished that quilting!

Wednesday was binding day - four ministry quilts finished, washed, dried, and taken to church.

Wednesday also saw this little pixie learning how to cross-stitch!  She took to it like a duck to water - I showed her how to make one "x" and she said, "I can do that, Nana!"  She then spent the next few hours doing just that....

And if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I've been doing some mindless sewing this week, and Thursday morning I finished another string top by last Sunday's tutorial!  I've named this one Mindless....

And look at my scrap tub!!!  You can actually see a difference in it!  But there's still enough in there to make two or three more quilts.  By tomorrow, you'll probably be able to make four out of it! (I swear they multiply when I'm not looking...)

And last, but certainly not least, I finally loaded up my Long Time Gone quilt on the quilt frame!!!  I'm hoping to get this quilted in the next couple of days, but I want to try out some of the techniques and quilting designs I learned at QuiltCon last week, too.  

And on another front, how's this for a whoop whoop - giveaway goodies for Hands2Help have been rolling in this week!!  It's hard to believe it's already time, but the Challenge begins this coming Sunday!!

 So - - - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

Because it's supposed to start raining - again....

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Beautiful finishes and lovely quilts. Looking forward to seeing your Long Time Gone quilt once quilted. How special that your granddaughter is enjoying cross-stitching. She is such a cutie!

  2. had trouble with mr. linky and got linked twice sorry - you sure have been busy as always! love the little granddaughter and sewing

  3. I'm excited to see your Long time gone quilt. From what I can see on the frame it is going to fabulous. So hurry and get it done for next Friday :) Thankyou for the linky party.

  4. That look on her face, precious! Glad your quilting job went better.

  5. Kinda love that purple quilt - glad it got better. and your girl - TOO cute!

  6. Wow glad the week got better, I would have been crying. :)

  7. Discounting that rough start, it looks like you had a totally Whoop-worthy week. Congrats!!

  8. What fun to share the love of stitching with a grand!
    The quilting went great--you accomplished a lot!

  9. You definitely deserve a whoop-whoop for that week! You are a little quilt making machine! Your sweetie can come teach me how to cross-stitch. LOL


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