Friday, March 30, 2012

Can I Get a Whoop-Whoop?? Feed Sack Beauties up for Grabs....

Hi, all!

Have you had a great week so far?  I was kind of hoping I'd have pictures of a new granddaughter to show you today, but not yet!  So instead I've got pictures of a couple of pretty quilts that I quilted this week.  And then I've got an opportunity for some avid feed sack quilt collector out there!

This first quilt is a bright, cheerful I-Spy quilt pieced by Margaret that I quilted and bound this week.  One of you wonderful readers sent the cutest I-Spy squares, and that formed the foundation for this adorable quilt.  There's even a square of pickles and one of french fries in there!  It's going to a 6-year old boy, and I think he'll just love it!

This next quilt top was a gift from Annie, who saw it for sale on another blog and had it sent to us for the quilt ministry.  It's a beautiful top made of homespun plaids and checks, and it was a joy to quilt!  This one's going to an older gentleman with lymphoma, so it certainly came at just the right time to fill that need!

So those are my accomplishments for the week!  Can I get a whoop whoop??

And now, I'd like to ask for some help from you all.  You may have seen last week that I found some great feed sack quilt blocks and a feed sack top for the ministry last week.  Well, as much as I love them, I am really out of my depth as far as completing them so that they retain their historical value - and these are so beautiful that they should really go to someone who can appreciate them for what they are.  

So I'm going to put them up for auction, with the proceeds to go towards our quilt ministry at church.   If you are not personally interested in these, would you please spread the word to anyone that you think might be interested?  Feel free to copy the pictures off my blog if you want to!

First of all, here is the quilt top I told you about...

This is a detail shot that shows the colors very well.  The centers of the flowers are all fussy cut - butterflies and dragonflies!

And here's a full size shot of the flimsy - or at least mostly full size - I had to overlap part at the top because it was too long for my clothesline!  The top measures 56" x 76" and is in beautiful condition.  There is some very minor fraying that my LQS owner assures me can be easily fixed.  It is clean and does not smell like it's been stored.

And now for the blocks.  These are about 11 inches square, and are made of feed sack and clothing material that appears to be from the '30's or '40's.  The muslin background is made from sugar sacks, as you can see in the last photo below - there's only one where the markings show, but personally I think it's really neat to see it!  Here are pictures of all thirty blocks.....

All of the photos are high quality, so you should be able to enlarge them to see more detail if you want.  The blocks and quilt are hand sewn, small even stitches.  

So - if you want to bid on either or both, please leave your bid in a comment below, or e-mail me directly at  You can also e-mail me with any questions you may have.  I'll close the bidding next Friday, April 6th and notify the winner by e-mail.   Be sure you leave an e-mail address in your comment if you are a "no-reply" blogger.  I respond to all comments, so if you don't hear back from me, I don't have an e-mail address for you!


So now it's your turn!  

What have you been working on this week?

What made you do your happy dance?

We all want to see!!  So share -
and get your whoop whoop on!!
The party will remain open until Sunday midnight!



Linked up with AmandaJean and AmyLouWho, too!

This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's Cookin' at The Sweatshop, Week #25 - A Good Week....

Hi, all!

Well, we had a little easier week in The Sweatshop this week - not quite as many quilts!  But it's been a busy month - if we finish everything on the frames this week, we will have made and distributed twenty-two quilts in March!!  Whew!!!

Just a simple disappearing 9-patch pattern...
This pretty little quilt is going to a little girl in New Orleans.  When our high school mission team got back from their spring trip to NOLA this year, one of the counselors contacted me with a request for a quilt.

...with hearts quilted into the small squares....

On a previous trip, they had met this little girl, who was living with a brain tumor.  This year, they saw her again and found out that she had been diagnosed with a second brain tumor.

...and a pretty piece of vintage linen from
my grandmother's stash for the back!

Her birthday was only a few days after they returned home from NOLA, and they asked if we could get a quilt made to be sent to her in time for her birthday.  How could we refuse?  So I hope this pretty sunny quilt brings a lot of joy to a sweet little 6-year old girl!


This beautiful batik quilt, made from a sudoku pattern by Margaret, went to a gentleman who has been suffering from severe back pain for a long time.  He has recently been hospitalized to see if they can get it under control.  Margaret did an awesome job with this quilt, and it is a riot of gorgeous color.


This pretty quilt top was sent to us by the lovely Megan - we were so pleased to be able to help her reduce her stack of UFOs!  The blocks are made with Punctuation by American Jane, and this ended up being the perfect quilt at the perfect time - because we needed an "encouragement" quilt for a local school teacher!  

I took one row off the bottom of the quilt to make it square, and then incorporated the square-in-a-square blocks in the back...

And look at this great fabric I found for the back!  I love it - it has lines like notebook paper, and doodles all over that speak of peace - a favorite word for us to quilt into our quilts!  


So those are the three quilts that we gave out in the last week!  But I also got a surprise this week....

Look at the beautiful quilt my fellow quilt guild members made for me!  I joined the Music City Modern Quilt Guild back at the first meeting last year, but haven't been able to attend regularly for a variety of reasons - but they surprised me with this lovely quilt!  I'm just blown away!!  All the blocks were made and signed by the members, and they are each unique.  Two of my favorites, though..

"Fight Like a Girl"

...and this one, which says, "I will survive, because I have important things to do"!   Ladies of the guild, thank you so very very much!!


And now, a heads-up - you may have seen on my blog that I lucked into some beautiful vintage quilt blocks and a vintage quilt top recently.  

Well, after talking with some much more knowledgeable quilters than me, I realized that to do these blocks and quilt top justice, I am completely out of my league!  

So on Friday, I'll be posting more pictures, including pictures of all 30 blocks, and offering these beauties up for auction.  I'd really appreciate it if you'd spread the word to people you know who love to work with beautiful feed sack blocks and tops - these are quite the nicest I've ever seen, and I'd love for them to go to someone who will appreciate them.  All proceeds from the auction will go to benefit our church's quilt ministry, so we can make more quilts to give away!!



Monday, March 26, 2012

Make-A-List Monday #88! Still Keeping Up!!

Hi, all!!

Wow, Monday again - and beautiful spring weather here in Middle Tennessee.  I think it's safe to say that winter has passed us by - at least I hope so!!!  This weather definitely makes me want to start sewing even more - with beautiful bright colors!!

Let's see how I did on last week's list...

1.  Make a quilt for a 6 year old girl with a brain tumor.
Done!  Now here are some beautiful bright colors...

2.  Make a quilt for a man with lymphoma.
Done!  You can read more about this quilt on Wednesday...

3.  Make a quilt for a woman going through medical issues.
Done!  There'll be more info on this one Wednesday, too!

4.  Keep up with all the Hands2Help work coming in!
Done! Amazingly, I think I'm all caught up!!

5.  Finish a dress for Lilli!
Done!  I actually made her two!!

And here are my goals for this week....

1.  Border and quilt a quilt for a woman in New Orleans.

2.  Make an I-Spy quilt for a 6-year old boy.

3.  Quilt a man's quilt for the ministry.

4.  Do my 2011 taxes (yuck......)

Much as I'd like to do more (but I've GOT to do my taxes or my hubby is going to drive me crazy reminding me that it's almost April...) this is probably all I'll get to this week.

So now - what are you working on this week?



PS - Be sure to check out the great tutorials that people are linking up to Sunday's Hands2Help blogpost - great quilts, techniques, and even some brownie cookies that I'm dying to try!!  And there's still time to join in, if you get the bug to make a charity quilt!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hands2Help - Winners and Your Favorite Tutorials!

Hi, all!

Wow, did you all come through big time!  We've had fifty-three people sign up to participate in this year's Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge!! 

I can't tell you how happy this makes me - and just think how many people you are going to make happy with your creations!!

A little bit of housekeeping - Anita SS, you are a no-reply blogger so I can't get in touch with you to get contact info!  Please e-mail me directly at so we can get you all signed up!!

Now, if this is the first time you're reading about the Hands2Help Challenge, don't think it's too late to participate - it's only too late to be a part of the signup giveaways!  If you want to join in, just mention it in your comment and I'll sign you up!  You can read more about the challenge here....

I know you all want to know who won the signup giveaways, but first I'd like to introduce you to our wonderful sponsors!  And I think the last shall be first - so at the end of the challenge, we'll have giveaways from the following bloggers and on-line shops...

KatieQ of Katie's Salt Marsh Path - a Pom Pom de Paris layer cake

Pam of Auntie Pami's Quilting Adventure -  Ten Little Things 
panel and two charm packs from Moda

Miki of Miki's Fabric Creations - 16 Flea Market Fancy fat quarters

Selina of Selina Quilts - 5 charm packs

Annie Toy of Annie's Ruby Slipperz - fat quarter packs and books

Emily of Em's Scrap Bag - 12 patterns

Shannon of FabricNQuilts - 2 Happy Daze quilt kits in
Moda Ruby fabric with top, back and binding

Sharon of  Vroomans Quilts - 2 jelly rolls - 
Hello Luscious by Basic Grey and
Love Letters by Laundry Basket Quilts

Kate of Kate Conklin Designs - 10 patterns

Vicki of Dotty Jane Designs - hand dyed fabrics

Fat Quarter Shop - three $25 gift certificates

FabricWorm - fabric!

Amy of Diary of a Quilter - patterns

Judi of Green Fairy Quilts - two layer cakes

Jamie of L'Fair Quilts - Acappella pattern and 
five orange fat quarters

Kate Spain - Flurry jelly roll

Kris of Lavender Quilts and Other Fineries - 20 Kaffe Fassett fat eighths, and a Swiss Holiday charm pack

(If you'd like to help sponsor, there's still time!
Drop me an e-mail at

And now, the sponsors for the signup giveaways....

Annie of Annie's Ruby Slipperz - a copy of 
More 90 Minute Quilts
(for a participant who put the button on their blog sidebar!)

and the winner is...

Carolyn of CJ!

Sue of Sue Daurio's Quilting Adventures - a Moda solids jelly roll...

and the winner is...

...and a fat quarter bundle of Spun Sugar Hill by Tonya Whelan

and the winner is...

Congratulations, ladies!!  And remember, all of the participants are winners, because Shannon of FabricNQuilts will be e-mailing each of you a digital copy of a great quilt pattern called "Charmed, I'm sure" and a discount coupon for a future visit to her on-line shop!


And now, for this week's Hands2Help event - I'd love for everyone to link up a favorite tutorial!  It can be your own, or one that you refer to frequently on-line written by someone else (be sure to link back to the original source!)  It can be for a quilt or block design, a technique (binding, spray basting, etc.), or even for a great snack recipe to keep you going while you quilt!  Be short but descriptive in your title (easy quilt, binding tips, yummy snack).  Join in the fun, and be sure to check out some (or all) of the links!

Be sure to come back next week, too - Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter will be guest posting!  I can't wait to see what she has for all of us H2Hers!

Thank you again, all of you, for agreeing to participate this year!  Let the stitching begin!!  (And don't forget to link up your tutorial!)


Friday, March 23, 2012

Can I Get a Whoop-Whoop?? Butterflies Are Free....

Hi, all!

It's Friday again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I am!!  I can't wait to see what everyone's been working on this week!

Here's a special project I worked on this week...

This pretty little quilt will be going to a little five year old girl in New Orleans.  She already had a brain tumor, and has recently been diagnosed with another one.  She turns six next week, and we're hoping to get the quilt to her for her birthday!

The pattern is a simple disappearing 9-patch, but I think it turned out really nicely!

In this picture you can see the quilting - random meandering, but with hearts in each of the yellow squares.  And the backing is a nubby piece of white linen from my grandmother's stash - it washed up so soft!  Scrappy binding finishes it off!

I also made a couple of surprises for my granddaughter, who has all of a sudden decided that she wants to wear dresses all the time!

This is the one I gave her today - it was pronounce "the most beautiful dress!" by the princess!  Simple, though - a Target t-shirt cut off short, two widths of fabric 17" long gathered and sewn on, and a sash in a contrasting fabric!

the back..
...and detail of the front.

I also made her another dress - she chose the fabric to sew on the bottom of this t-shirt from a stack of beautiful fabrics - as soon as she saw those vacationing cows, she had to have it!  Oh, it's so nice to have a kid who follows in your footsteps!!

Not to mention the purple striped socks she chose to go with it....  She makes me smile!!

And take a look at what I scored at an estate sale today!

Twenty-eight of these gorgeous hand-sewn blocks, and look at this one...

Can you see the wording on the background fabric?  The fabric came from sugar sacks!  These blocks are beautiful - tiny hand stitches, inset seams - it will be an honor to finish them into a quilt!

And look at this beauty...

This is an absolutely gorgeous, twin size grandmother's flower garden - completely hand sewn and ready to quilt, in perfect condition!  Now I just need to figure out how to bind it once it's quilted!

And just one last thing - we've already had 44 people sign up to participate in the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2012!! 

But there's still room for more - so if you'd like to participate, or even just find out more about it, click here!  There are lots of great prizes to be given away this Sunday for those who sign up now, too!

So now it's your turn!

What are you whooping about this week?

Tell us all - we want to whoop along!!

Remember, you have until 
Sunday night to link up...



NOTE:  I'm sorry if you can't link up - LinkyTools had a major hard drive crash on Friday and they are trying to get it fixed - they hope to have it fixed sometime this weekend.  I've changed the ending time for the linky party to Sunday night, so you've got some extra time to link up!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What's Cookin' at The Sweatshop, Week #24 - Caught Up? Well Sort of...

Hi, all!

First of all, if you're looking for the signups for the Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2012, click here.  There's still time to join in!  And if you don't know what that is, go check it out!!  Hopefully you'll be inspired to join us!!

Well, it's been a while since I posted what we've been up to at The Sweatshop, so I've got quite a few quilts to show you!

This first quilt top was received as a result of the Scrappy Block Challenge - Sharon got carried away and created a whole top instead of just one block, then sent it to us with the remainder of the fabric so we could add borders.  Joanna finished this top off and isn't it lovely? It found its new home with a young woman suffering from Guillame-Barre Syndrome, and we hope it brings her a lot of comfort in a difficult time.

This pretty, sunny top was pieced by Emilie - another 1600 quilt!  It will be winging its way to New Orleans to a woman dealing with the last days of cancer...

This pretty quilt, covered with Tennessee wild irises, was made from a kit donated to us.  I don't remember who donated the quilt, but thank you, whoever it was!  Tracy did the piecing, and I quilted it. It went to a young woman who just had surgery for breast cancer.

This beautiful quilt was pieced by Pam, for a gentleman dealing with prostate cancer.  Take a look at the back...

Pam makes such pretty pieced backs!

This vibrant quilt, made from blocks donated by Sharon, is going to our pastor to be used for the bi-weekly Monday night prayer service.  Sometimes he prays with someone who just needs a quilty hug, and we try to keep quilts on hand for him to give away if needed....

This pretty quilt went to a gentleman battling leukemia.  I believe Debora pieced this quilt, but I've lost my cheat sheet, so I might be wrong!  I love the warm colors in this quilt, and hope its new owner does too!

This pretty quilt is made from another top received as a result of the  Scrappy Block Challenge!  You really ought to check out Selina's February 8th post to see the unique block this quilt is made from.  It was given to a woman dealing with lung cancer who has just been diagnosed with brain tumors, and given a 6-month prognosis with chemotherapy.  Her bright and cheerful attitude is an amazing thing to see!

This pretty bricks and blocks quilt was pieced by Debora, and found its home with a gentleman who is dealing with a new colostomy.  Hopefully it will brighten his day a little bit!

And this last quilt, pieced and quilted by Pam, is going to a newborn baby!  It's always nice to be able to give quilts for happy reasons, too!!

So that's what we've been working on for the past two weeks!!  Thanks to all of you who had a hand (or some fabric) in the quilts above, and if I forgot to credit you, please forgive me!!

