Friday, March 30, 2012

Can I Get a Whoop-Whoop?? Feed Sack Beauties up for Grabs....

Hi, all!

Have you had a great week so far?  I was kind of hoping I'd have pictures of a new granddaughter to show you today, but not yet!  So instead I've got pictures of a couple of pretty quilts that I quilted this week.  And then I've got an opportunity for some avid feed sack quilt collector out there!

This first quilt is a bright, cheerful I-Spy quilt pieced by Margaret that I quilted and bound this week.  One of you wonderful readers sent the cutest I-Spy squares, and that formed the foundation for this adorable quilt.  There's even a square of pickles and one of french fries in there!  It's going to a 6-year old boy, and I think he'll just love it!

This next quilt top was a gift from Annie, who saw it for sale on another blog and had it sent to us for the quilt ministry.  It's a beautiful top made of homespun plaids and checks, and it was a joy to quilt!  This one's going to an older gentleman with lymphoma, so it certainly came at just the right time to fill that need!

So those are my accomplishments for the week!  Can I get a whoop whoop??

And now, I'd like to ask for some help from you all.  You may have seen last week that I found some great feed sack quilt blocks and a feed sack top for the ministry last week.  Well, as much as I love them, I am really out of my depth as far as completing them so that they retain their historical value - and these are so beautiful that they should really go to someone who can appreciate them for what they are.  

So I'm going to put them up for auction, with the proceeds to go towards our quilt ministry at church.   If you are not personally interested in these, would you please spread the word to anyone that you think might be interested?  Feel free to copy the pictures off my blog if you want to!

First of all, here is the quilt top I told you about...

This is a detail shot that shows the colors very well.  The centers of the flowers are all fussy cut - butterflies and dragonflies!

And here's a full size shot of the flimsy - or at least mostly full size - I had to overlap part at the top because it was too long for my clothesline!  The top measures 56" x 76" and is in beautiful condition.  There is some very minor fraying that my LQS owner assures me can be easily fixed.  It is clean and does not smell like it's been stored.

And now for the blocks.  These are about 11 inches square, and are made of feed sack and clothing material that appears to be from the '30's or '40's.  The muslin background is made from sugar sacks, as you can see in the last photo below - there's only one where the markings show, but personally I think it's really neat to see it!  Here are pictures of all thirty blocks.....

All of the photos are high quality, so you should be able to enlarge them to see more detail if you want.  The blocks and quilt are hand sewn, small even stitches.  

So - if you want to bid on either or both, please leave your bid in a comment below, or e-mail me directly at  You can also e-mail me with any questions you may have.  I'll close the bidding next Friday, April 6th and notify the winner by e-mail.   Be sure you leave an e-mail address in your comment if you are a "no-reply" blogger.  I respond to all comments, so if you don't hear back from me, I don't have an e-mail address for you!


So now it's your turn!  

What have you been working on this week?

What made you do your happy dance?

We all want to see!!  So share -
and get your whoop whoop on!!
The party will remain open until Sunday midnight!



Linked up with AmandaJean and AmyLouWho, too!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Have put up a post for you. Hopefully my weekend is finally getting this 'cleaning' mess organized and done.

  2. I'm loving that checkerboard border quilt!

    I'll get a post up about the feed sack items:)

  3. Beautiful quilts, as always! I hope you find a good home for the feed sack items and raise a lot of money for your quilt ministry in the process!

  4. Your quilts are pretty! I especially love the I-Spy quilt.

  5. Everything about the two new finishes just works. Great quilts.

  6. I almost forgot about your little auction. I've updated my post to spread the word. Sorry for being so forgetful earlier. The blocks are a wonderful treasure. Good luck with the auction.

  7. I'm not linking up this week, but I did write a blog post about our fertility journey that I've been putting off for a few weeks. This was a HUGE accomplishment for me. Thankfully I was able to do it without tears.

    I was even able to play with a set of 7 month twins this week.

    Love the quilts! Hope you find a loving home for the feedsack items.

  8. Lovely finishes on your quilts this week. You do deserve a whoop, whoop.

    Besides this auction, how does your ministry get it's funds? (We are part of the church budget, but other than that the donations we receive from quilt recipients, their families, or their friends provides what we need for ongoing expenses such as rolls of batting.)

  9. Beautiful quilts and blocks, good luck with your auction!

  10. I'll start the bidding on the Grandmothers flower garden quilt at $30. The Dresden plates are pretty, too, but, I can't have everything (even tho they would be much easier to finish into a quilt). Good luck!

  11. I LOVE that black and white checkerboard quilt. Too bad I didn't see it first. :) But glad it was sent to you. Your cause is greater than my want/needs.

    Thanks for the link up.

  12. Beautiful Quilts! I've been doing a bit of improv piecing with my super mario blocks, no pattern, no tutorial, it's very liberating! :o)

  13. I love the quilt for the older gentleman. I usually prefer brights, but this one is beautiful. Maybe it's the incorporation of the black and white checker blocks . . .

  14. Wow, you've definitely got my Whoop Whoop on all this awesome quilting!

  15. Beautiful quilts as always! I hope that the vintage top/squares find the perfect buyer!

  16. such beautiful that GFG quilt and the blocks are wonderful...good luck! someone is going to be very lucky to win these and for a great cause....

  17. Lovely quilts you do beautiful work
    Hugs Janice

  18. Both quilts are just beautiful! Great job! And I hope you find the perfect home for those vintage quilt blocks. They're awesome!


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