Friday, May 6, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? My Big Project!

Hi, all!

It's Friday again, and we all know what that means - - - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!  I hope you're ready - and remember, it doesn't have to be a finish.  It can be a work in progress, or just started - whatever you're happy about this week!  So come join in the fun!!  Let's get started!


Many of you may know that I've been working on a bunch of quilts for a special project over the past few months - I've been posting pics on Instagram, and it's shown up in my weekly to-do lists.  Well, today is the day that I've been working towards for about six months now - the day those quilts are delivered to their eventual home!  

You see, five years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and started a long relationship with my doctor's office.  I had a great doctor!  Each time I saw him, he would check me out, talk to me for a while, then tell me I was doing a great job and give me a big hug.  He was one of the nicest people I ever knew.  My friend, who went to all of my chemo treatments with me, was a patient of his many years before.  She was going through her treatments all alone, and when he realized she didn't have anyone coming with her, he brought a sugar glider and popped it into her shirt pocket to keep her company!  

Unfortunately, about a year and a half ago, a drunk driver ran a red light and my doctor's car was hit, killing him instantly.  Such a loss!  This man was so well known and so greatly loved that they actually held his funeral in Nashville's symphony hall so that everyone who wanted to could come.  When his medical practice's offices were recently renovated, the infusion center (where chemo is administered) was completely redone and christened "The Eric Raefsky Infusion Center".  When I saw that on my last visit there, I realized what I wanted to do as a memorial to him and in thanks to all of the great staff in that office.  And my big project was born.... 

Click on this pic to see the whole thing - it's too wide for the post!

Eighteen quilts, one for each of the chairs in the new infusion center!  You'll probably recognize most of these quilts, made over the last six months or so...

There's a modern scrappy quilt and an orphan block quilt made with beautifully appliquéd blocks...

...a quilt made from a super-easy pattern and another made in preparation for a book review....

...a quilt made from fabric received from a lovely blogger friend, and another one made from binding scraps...

...bow ties in a modern layout and a modern take on nine-patch blocks...

...two quilts, both a riot of colors but so very different in composition...

...appliqued orange peels and another nine-patch arrangement...

...more orphan blocks, a batik quilt, and a lovely bright purple and green quilt...

...and a manly version of a giant granny square block!

Each quilt bears this label, too...

It was so much fun to make all of these, knowing that they will be bringing comfort to folks at a time when they really need it!

 But it was also a lot of fun to hang all these quilts up in my yard and see them all displayed in one place!  

Thanks heaven for lots of trees, a great big ball of rope, and a whole lot of clothespins!  You can see two videos of the "quilt show" on my Facebook page - one of the front of the quilts, and one of the back of the quilts.  You can also see them on my Instagram feed - I'm @fabricaddictquilts there!

I'll be delivering all these quilts this morning as I go to see the doctor for my five-year check-up.  With any luck, I'll go to annual visits after this one!  Woohoo!!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance a little happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 
And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Congratulations, amazing achievement!

  2. The story of your wonderful Doctor brought me to tears. I'm sure he would have been touched at your amazing achievement, and in such a short time. We often hear of those who do amazing things, rowing the ocean single handed, climbing mountains, promoting peace deals, but how lovely to hear about a man who went about his life making a difference to peoples lives. These are the real heroes who shape our lives.
    I knew nothing about your health problems I hope your check ups all go well, I have been supporting a friend fighting the same battle this last year, she is doing well too.
    Seeing you my love

  3. Wow! What a wonderful project to honor a wonderful person! So glad to hear you are cancer free. My dad has spent lots of time in infusion centers. These quilts will be most appreciated. Bless you!

  4. That's a remarkable achievement. Your cancer challenge is also heartening, to know that you are in such good health now. Our son had a brain tumour when he was 16 and also spent quite a deal of time sitting in chairs waiting for his radiation treatment after chemo. Thankfully he's Ok. He's 27 now and currently living in the US. Thanks for sharing and showing us your wonderful quilts. Such a great gift.

  5. What a beautiful way to remember your wonderful DR. A Loving tribute. 18 Amazing quilts.

  6. A beautiful tribute and lots of eye candy too!!!
    Hugs, Preeti.

  7. Sarah, you get a great big whoop, whoop! What a wonderful gesture of Honor and appreciation!

  8. You brought tears to my eyes, what a terrible lose. I love the way you honored him, hopefully he's smiling.

  9. Sarah, you get a great big whoop, whoop! What a wonderful gesture of Honor and appreciation!

  10. Congrats! For the quilts but also for fighting off your cancer. Touching story this morning. Thank you for sharing and for the pictures of the quilts. Such a great idea. So many people will be happy to get such a hug I am sure. You have touched many, many lives without ever meeting them. Beautiful. ;^)

  11. Sarah, what a great tribute! You brought tears to my eyes with the story and especially with the quilt label. Your beautiful quilts will surely be a bright spot in the lives of many.

  12. Sarah, what a beautiful tribute to your wonderful doctor, and congratulations on your successful battle! I'm also a survivor - 18 years now, and each new day is a blessing that I never want to take for granted.

  13. All the quilts are wonderful and sure to bring comfort. So sorry to hear about your doctor.

  14. That is an awesome parade of quilts. All of those patients will appreciate your dedication. You are SO lucky to have had such a wonderful doctor! Great tribute to him! KUDOS

  15. I had no idea you had went through cancer and what you were doing with some of these quilts you have been making - these quilts will brighten up that room so much - it sounds like you had a wonderful doctor to care for you and so sad that he was taken out of life too early

  16. I'm having a hard time finding words to say what I want. This invokes feelings on a lot of different levels. The world needs more people like Dr. Raefsky, and you, too. Congratulations on five years, Sarah.

  17. I'm having a hard time finding words to say what I want. This invokes feelings on a lot of different levels. The world needs more people like Dr. Raefsky, and you, too. Congratulations on five years, Sarah.

  18. What a wonderful way to celebrate his memory! Glad to hear you are well

  19. This is so fantastic! And now knowing what your (very) 'big project' was, I know you did the absolutely right thing in gifting that green quilt. It was a more personal extension of what you've done here which is pass on hope and comfort to others following that path of cancer treatment. I hope your visit today is a good one, in every way.

  20. What an amazing gift! I'm sure so many will be comforted by these beautiful quilts. And congratulations--five years! Here's to many more years of survival.

  21. A very touching story. It is sad that your Doctor lost his life. But I am sure his caring spirit will continue on. Congratulations on your 5 years. May you continue making a difference in others lives.

  22. Sarah I knew it would be something wonderful. Well done!!!

  23. OMG, your big project is awesome! Your quilts look terrific! Your project is so caring, and such a wonderful tribute to the doctor and the staff of the center. I hope your five year update gives you good news.

  24. Your big project shows just how big your heart is Sarah. What a lovely tribute and memorance of a special person.

  25. All I can say is WOW! We all live amazing lives and YOU are totally amazing. Thank God for you deliverance from cancer and for the impact your doctor made in the lives of so many people. The quilts are awesome! I pray they are a blessing!

  26. Sarah, you are amazing and so thoughtful. Thank you for all that you do.

  27. Sarah, you are amazing and so thoughtful. Thank you for all that you do.

  28. Sarah, the biggest Whoop Whoop ever for you! What you have done here is the most amazing act of love. So many beautiful quilts and so much comfort and care for others! I love the label you added to each quilt! Your Dr. Raefsky was an incredible human being and you just know for certain that he is in heaven now! I've had to type all this through tears. I hope and pray that you go to yearly check ups now and stay cancer free!

  29. My deepest condolences. A very beautiful tribute, Sarah! Well Done!!


  30. Wow Sarah, what an amazing feat I'm sure they will be well used. Congrats!!

  31. What an amazing and loving tribute!! I am sure those quilts will be so well loved and such a treasure to everyone going through what you have. This story has truly touched my heart. Thank you for your wonderful example of using this love of quilting for good!!!

  32. What a great memorial to a beloved doctor! You did quite a variety of quilts.

    Thank you for all the eye candy!

  33. I think you get the PRIZE whoop-whoop! These quilts and the scope of the giving is staggering to me. Your story brought me to tears. I did not realize what you had been through.
    I get infusions to break migraines and it is an awful place to be. Three hours in a jammed room painted dark brown with flourescent lighting and hearing everyone's diagnosis and treatment. So, I can only imagine a decent, warm place for infusions. Bravo, dear Sarah!

  34. Making these quilts is an awesome achievement. Congratulations!

  35. What a touching story, I had tears in my eyes which made it hard to read ;-) So thoughtful & caring of you to pay it forward with quilts. No wonder you were working so hard on all those quilts, you had a great reason.

    I'm so happy to hear you made your 5 year milestone, Congratulations!!

  36. What a wonderful project! So many people will feel quilt hugged at a time when they most need it. You have a good heart.

  37. Whats making me do the Happy Dance... Knowing someone as good and kind as you. You are a terrific role model as well as a wonderful person. Great job.

  38. What a fantastic thing to do. He will live on in the heart's of so many people.

  39. Sarah, What an amazing tribute and gift to so many people. I've often wondered where you get your attitude and stamina (aside from your faith) and now I know. My boss is also a cancer survivor. He rarely sweats the small stuff and focuses on what's important in life. So happy to finally know one of the many secrets that make you special. You certainly give quilters a good name!

  40. Sarah, your project and the tribute to your doctor are amazing. Love all the quilts and know they will be a lot of comfort to those going through the cancer treatment. Blessings to you and all those benefiting from your project.

  41. WOW...I am in tears. What a beautiful, healing project! and congrats to you for being cancer free! God is good!

  42. Oh, Sarah! What a wonderful, wonderful thing you have done! This is superhero-level quilting, lady! :-)

  43. Oh, Sarah! What a wonderful, wonderful thing you have done! This is superhero-level quilting, lady! :-)

  44. Amen and Amen!!! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. Even though it brought tears, it's inspiring on so many levels! Praying for clean annual checkups going forward!

  45. That's amazing! Well wishes for your checkup. Prayers for those quilts that will help others.

  46. Preciosa iniciativa!!! Un abrazo para gente como usted

  47. Such an wonderful thing you have done here and a great tribute to your Dr. The quilts be used and love. Hats off to you my friend.

  48. Oh Sarah, I did not know that you are a cancer survivor. Bless you. Praying for a good report from your check-up. So sorry about your doctor's untimely death. All of the quilts are beautiful, as always. You are totally and completely awesome :)

  49. Once or twice in a lifetime you run across people who not only make a difference in your life but in all the lives they touch. Your doctor sounds like one of those special people. You did such a wonderful thing for the treatment center. I'm sure each patient will be wrapped in a warm hug from a special person. Rina

  50. Good luck with your checkup. And what a wonderful way to honour the memory of someone who meant so much to you. Kudos to you!

  51. What a wonderful tribute and also a way to commemorate your good health. Well done!

  52. Bless you for what you're doing with your beautiful quilts. I'm sorry about your dr. From experience, I know how important having a dr like him is. Best wishes for continued good health!!

  53. I cheer the SURVIVOR in you and all your efforts!

  54. I cheer the SURVIVOR in you and all your efforts!

  55. WOW!! Such a beautiful tribute to a man definitely gone too soon. And you are a hugely generous person. God Bless.

  56. That's HUGE WHOOP! I almost didn't read your post because my iPad died and I'm having to do everything on my phone today which is a pain. But I'm SO glad I did read it. What a great post and what a great memorial gift! So sorry the wonderful healer was killed, but happy he is being honored and remembered. And so happy for your good health!

  57. What a wonderful job, you can be very proud of yourself.
    Reading your blog made me a little tearful, as I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer myself last week. My treatment will be starting very soon, in the next week or so, just waiting for the date to be confirmed.

  58. Oh, Sarah, congrats on your five years and prayers that you continue cancer free forever. How wonderful that you're honoring your doctor and friend this way. The quilts are beautiful in their own right but the sentiment for your work makes them even more beautiful. I also felt a tug at the heartstrings--I lost both grandmothers and my mom to cancer.

    I'm so sorry that I somehow messed up my link (have no idea what happened). Please delete #63 for me. I'd do the deleting but can't figure it out. Congrats again on your fabulous quilts!

  59. It's such a wonderful project ! I'm sure these quilts will be comforting. Congratulations.

  60. A BIG whoop! whoop! to you, Sarah, and thank you for sharing the story of your wonderful doctor. His story brought tears to my eyes .... even before I read that he was killed by a selfish, irresponsible drinker. (Oh, when will Americans ever learn that they may NOT get behind the wheel of a car after drinking alcohol???) Your memorial to Dr. Raefsky is wonderful -- the labels are perfect -- and I pray the recipients feel his hugs, as well as yours, for many years to come.

  61. Sarah,
    I couldn't find an email address for you, but I have 2 quilts ready for the hands2help challenge! Please send me some info about where to mail them.
    Thanks for all you do!

  62. How lovely! Such an awesome tribute to such a great man! You are a wonderful person!! My mom will be starting her treatment soon so this post really hit home & made me teary eyed. I hope my Mom receives this type of support when I can't be with her!!

  63. What a wonderful tribute! I know these quilts will be loved by those who receive them, as I know full well from personal experience. Good luck on your 5th anniversary and here's wishing you many more.

  64. I had a long, wonderful chat yesterday evening with one of my students after yoga. She is a palliative care nurse, which I did not know, a breast cancer survivor of maybe 3 years now, which I did know. Reading this post this morning has brought up so much emotion...the importance of good, personable, caring medical people, how much caring support means to people, the strength of the human spirit, the outpouring of sincere love and care and empathy, as exemplified by you here, but also around the world in times of dire circumstances. That parade of quilts makes me SMILE, Sarah. How very very wonderful of you. Congrats, and hugs on five years, may you go to annual check-ups yes indeed.

  65. Oh Sarah!! This is just such a heartwarming, beautiful tribute! What a great idea and accomplishment!

  66. Oh Sarah!! This is just such a heartwarming, beautiful tribute! What a great idea and accomplishment!

  67. Hugs to you Dear Friend! So glad you made it through that ordeal, and live to quilt another few decades. Your donation will comfort another bunch of people. Good job!

  68. Congratulations. It's a wonderful project. I hope that you've now graduated to yearly checkups - I just graduated to no checkups! So wonderful after all this time. Hugs

  69. What an amazing way to Pay It Forward! What a senseless loss of your doctor and friend but you have found a fantastic way to keep his memory alive! We're all rooting for you to graduate to yearly checkups!!!

  70. What a wonderful project! I'm sure these quilts will be enjoyed. And a wonderful tribute to a doctor who touched many lives.

  71. Congrats on your five year accomplishment! And I'm so sad that this dear doctor came to such a horrible end. The quilts are a great way to honor him. .... and I need the mailing address for that H2H program in Texas, please. Thanks.

  72. Well that just leaves me with chills!! Way to go!!!

  73. Using my hanky -- well done doesn't begin to say it all, but WELL DONE!!

  74. Wow, such an honor to those working to help people in need. So sad about your doctor. No way to understand, except he was needed elsewhere.


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