Friday, June 1, 2018

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little Bit of This and That...

Hi, all!

Here we are at Friday again, and you know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!!  It's been a busy week here, and while I don't have a quilt-y finish, I do have some achievements to whoop about, so let's get started.....


First of all, Hands2Help 2018 is a wrap!  And I'm really whooping about this year's results - 416 quilts made by 150 quilters are now bringing joy to lives all over the world!  The picture below is of the wonderful folks at Little Lambs Foundation for Kids, showing just some of the quilts that they received as part of Hands2Help.

And while Hands2Help 2018 is a wrap for all of the quilters, I've still got the task of getting all of the thank-you gifts out in the mail. I managed to finish packaging and addressing all of the packages today, so tomorrow the last two bags of goodies will go to the post office.

I also got to meet a blog/Instagram friend in real life - Susan N. stopped by the quilt room at church for a look-around, and I managed to squeeze in a little scrap management as I sent her home with a big bag full of red and blue scraps for the quilts she makes for Quilts of Valor.

I managed to squeeze in some time for quilting, too - this picture was taken as I finished the diagonal lines in one direction, but I've also almost completed the cross-hatch lines now.

I managed to score batting for church on a great sale with an additional discount, and had some really fun help getting it up to the quilt room - never tell this girl she's not big enough to do something!

And last, but definitely not least, I think I figured a work-around for the problem everyone seems to be having with Blogger - that one where you don't get comments mailed to your inbox?  If you leave a comment on your own post, and click the "notify me of follow-up comments" box, it will start sending you emails of all the subsequent comments on that post.  It's still a pain in the neck, but it's better than nothing!

So that was my week - very full with a bunch of unusual things to cheer about - but still whoop-worthy!

Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. It looks like it's been a busy week over at Busy Hands Quilts. Kudos for all you've accomplished!

    1. Oops, I have to confess that I put the wrong blog name down. Sorry, Sarah, I mean you have done a lot!

    2. LOL I understand completely!!

  2. You've had a wonderful week and yay for little helpers!

    1. Yes, my little helpers are very useful, especially now that everything isn't "too heavy"!!

  3. Oh, Blogger. I have heard they are "working on the email system." I sure hope they get it sorted soon!! I have been doing the comment thing too, but it still doesn't provide the commenter's email address. And if a commenter chooses the "notify me" box, then they get ALL the comments, not just the replies to their comment. So replying on the blog isn't reaching the commenter either. Sigh.

  4. 416 quilts!! That is incredible ;) Congrats!!!

  5. You did have a great week and I am so happy for you.
    Nice to hear of all the accomplishments.

  6. Sarah, you are an amazing woman bringing blessings to so many. CONGRATULATIONS on a successful Hands To Help campaign! 416 quilts bringing comfort to 416 people who need some extra love is awesome!

  7. You have done a fantastic job!! Love your batting helper!! xx

  8. Girls can do anything!! LOL Thanks for the Blogger tip. I'm going to try it right now.

  9. Sara........such wonderful results from this year's H2H!!! I received the nicest thank yous this year too. I enjoyed your post esp. that closing picture! Made me laugh! Hey....and I did what you suggested for commenting....yep....that works. So thanks!

  10. Thanks for the hint about comments. I forget to check my blog so I didn't realize I had any comments on my last post. It's hard to get good help these days. Luckily you have the royal grandchildren to give you a hand.

  11. I love little helpers. My one and only little granddaughter who is 4 years old is coming to stay for a week this month. She and I are going to Vacation Bible School. She can only go if an adult volunteers, since she has not completed kindergarten yet. I volunteered year before last when she and her dad lived with me. She thinks she can do anything. Congrats on an amazing year of quilts!

  12. Thank you so much for hosting this challenge and encouraging us to give of ourselves. My thread arrived today and I'm anxious to try it!

  13. Hey! Followed a link from @aquiltedpassion and found you here. I think I follow you on Instagram! My whoop whoop is of a non-sewing nature. Traveled to Alabama Monday and back yesterday to bring our granddaughters to Missouri for a prolonged visit. Whoop-worthy! Getting to sew with them will be terrific. But the best part of summer for me will be moving them to Fort Riley Kansas which is 2 1/2 hours away. Keep celebrating the small victories!

  14. That's a great helper you have there! AND I have to say you are a genius - commenting on your own blog is definitely a way to get replies by email. Thanks for that!


I love comments, but unfortunately spammers love my blog, so I have turned them off for anonymous commenters. Feel free to email me directly at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com if you have a question though!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.