Friday, July 5, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little Stained Glass...

Hi, all!

Friday is upon us once again, and you know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  It's been quite a week around my place, but I'm definitely ready to do some whooping - so let's get started!


As I said, it's been quite a week - we got back from vacation Sunday afternoon, and then Monday morning my husband woke up with severe stomach pain. At first he thought it was food poisoning, but the second day we headed to the doctor.  They thought it was a hot appendix, but a CT scan revealed a kidney stone.  It's Thursday night as I write this and he's still in pain - bummer.  He's definitely not whooping it up right now, although he is kind of funny on pain meds.  Let's hope by the time you're reading this he's whooping it up and pain free!

But that means I did have a lot of time to sew this week, and I finished one of the prototype tops for the 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt-along!

Now here's some info about this design.  The basic block is a very old design called Grandma's Surprise.  I started seeing some on the internet and thought it might be interesting to play with for the quilt-along. So it's not original to me, but it is a fun block to bring into a more modern design!  You can find some beautiful examples by Joyce Dean Gieszler of Quilterchick Designs of quilts made using the Grandma's Surprise block by clicking here.

This version is about 36" square, and will be the quilt-along quilt for this year's 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop, which starts on July 14th, 2019 right here on this blog!  I'm hoping to have information for a larger version, too, if time allows.

Isn't it pretty?  It makes me smile just to see it hanging there.  But now I've got to get it quilted!!  

Oh, and another thing I'm whooping about - for the first time in FOREVER, I came back from vacation and had actually LOST weight!   I am loving being on a Keto diet - finally I've found something that works for me!  

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



PS I know a lot of folks had trouble with the linky party last week.  Turns out they are trying to delete many of the millions of pictures stored on their site from very old posts so that the whole system will run better.  Hopefully it will be better this week! Thanks for your patience!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your man will have the most intense pain ever. Hope he passes the stone, or they zap it into a million pieces. Lovely pattern, the finish is stunning.

  2. Lovely Christmas quilt, hope your husband is feeling better today. Glad this didn't happen on vacation!

    1. I had this happen on the first night of my 40th anniversary trip to Hawaii. Fortunately, Kaiser (my HMO) is also in Hawaii, I'd had a KS before and knew what was happening, and my friend knew just where the Emergency was. They helped me pass it with meds and went on to have a wonderful vacation. Phew!

  3. Sounds like the Keto diet is working for you. Well done. Hope your husband is feeling better soon. I attempted one of these blocks...seems my 45 degree ruler is not a 45 degree ruler LOL Epic fail. Now to figure out how to make a template until I can purchase a real 45 degree ruler.

  4. I have heard passing a kidney stone is really painful, it might get worse before it gets better - hope all goes well

  5. Gosh I hope your husband is better by now!
    I have to admit that I only glanced your last post and wasn't sure I wanted to try the block, because it looked curved! Lol! Now that I've seen your finished prototype (which I love!) I went back and read your post and see it is not curved and, if I follow your instructions, it should be doable for me. I hope to try it this weekend.

  6. I forgot to ask, do you have a PDF of this pattern?

  7. I finished my practice block and then another just for fun! I love the modern look of your top--nice work!
    And congrats on the weight control while vacationing--not an easy accomplishment!

  8. Congrats on a fun and successful vacay! But so sorry to hear your DH is in such pain. I pray it passes quickly.
    I'm whooping with a post 2 weeks in row! Imagine that!

  9. Congrats on your vacation weight loss (I know where those pounds of yours went -- they landed on MY hips!) and your Grandma's Surprise looks fabulous! Can't wait to see how you'll quilt it. Hope your husband is feeling better by now.

  10. Love your quilt top!!! But I feel so sorry for your hubby. I hope is whooping it up with you today.

  11. Wishing you dh well. Your mini looks like a diamond in the rough. Gorgeous.

  12. The three worst pains (according to my urologist) are: an abscessed tooth, childbirth, and a kidney stone. Think of a contraction that goes on and on and on. How do I know? I've had kidney stones. What worked for me was when they gave me Tordal as a shot (worked immediately) and Flomax (to relax the ureter) and get that stone to move. But then his may be too large to pass. Oh I'm praying for him - Monday-Friday is too long to have severe pain. Love the quilt - I'll be looking forward to the quilt along.

  13. This quilt is so striking! Good job!

  14. I hope your husband is feeling better! Your quilt is beautiful and there are so many possibilities for colour combinations with it :)

  15. Love the stained glass effect of flimsies held up to the light. Best wishes to your husband.

  16. Have had multiple kidney stones, with some getting stuck in way out;prayers for your hubby. My whoop whoop is I got four quilts set and ready to be quilted this week....YAY!! WHOOP WHOOP!!

  17. Bummer on the kidney stone for your hubby. I've been through that with mine not 1, not 2, but 3 times (one ended up in surgery). Not fun at all. Hope his passes soon! Congrats on the weight loss! I'm down 30 lbs, but have been using Noom. Love that quilt, and I'm pondering whether to join in.

  18. The design looks challenging and intriguing. Looking forward to the 12 Days of Christmas in July quilt-along!

  19. Hope your hubby passes that stone quickly. Now they can zap them.

  20. Love that quilt! I do hope hubby is better soon. Kudos to you for losing weight on vacation - that never happens is right! I haven't committed yet, but am think I must do something soon...

  21. The new project is beautiful! Believing with you for quick recovery for your Sweetie!


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