Friday, January 31, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Things Are Improving!

Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around once again (can you believe it's the last day of January already?) and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop-whoop on!  Let's get started....


It's been a busy week of packing and moving, and I'm finally starting to see some headway!  This week the kitchen went from this... this!  I'm so much happier with the color now, and I think I can even learn to love the black glass backsplash.  Good thing, because I really don't want to put in another backsplash anytime soon!

Next up was carpeting!  It's not completely done - they didn't measure a couple of things correctly, so they had to order more carpet -  but it's done enough to set up my quilt room and move our furniture over next Tuesday!

I can't wait to fill this space up with all my quilt-y things!  I've already started hauling boxes upstairs, but there's a lot more to come...

And the latest whoop-whoop worthy thing?  I now have internet and TV!  Hooray!!!  And no, I don't watch soaps - that's just what came on when he set up the TV - but I was so happy to see a picture I didn't even notice what was on!

I took my two large Kallax shelf units apart yesterday afternoon, and my goal for today is to get them set up and bring some more stuff upstairs to the studio.  It's hard to believe how much stuff I had in my old studio, but I bet hauling it all upstairs will convince me to use up what I have and not buy any more!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



Monday, January 27, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - And No TimeTo Sew...

Hi, all!

I. Am. So. Tired. Of. Packing.  I want to sew!  But I've got another week or so of this before I can get back to sewing, so I'm going to plug on through.  Let's see how last week went...

1.  Finish the gift quilt.
Done!  I'm loving this pretty thing...

More pictures to come on Friday!

2.  Take more boxes and stuff to the new house.
Oh yes - over and over and over again!  But there's still more to come...

3.  Meet with movers for estimates.
Done, a mover chosen and scheduled for February 4th!

4.  Accept furniture deliveries at the new house.
Done!  A nice new living room...

5.  Get internet and TV installed at the new house.
Alas, the conduit from the AT&T box was broken, so they have to come out and repair it before they can hook me up to fiber.  Hopefully this week!

6.  Sort through and pack up the attic.
(Ducks head in shame)

7.  Disassemble some of the larger Kallax shelves in my sewing studio so they can be taken downstairs.
Didn't get to this one either.  This week for sure, though!

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Thankfully, it was a quiet week!  No quilts requested.

I feel at such loose ends with no quilt-y goals.  All my energy is invested in packing and moving - - - but last Wednesday night at church I got to sit and sew for three hours, and wow, did I feel rejuvenated!  So at least I've got that for a while.

I'm not going to set any goals for this week - everything is move-related, so rather boring and not pic-worthy, anyway.  But we are getting new carpet tomorrow, so I'll be able to start working on setting my studio back up.  Maybe I can get back to sewing in a week or so!

So now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, January 24, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Fun Week!

Hi, all!

It's been a long week, but it's finally here - Friday!  And we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Let's get started!


It's been a busy week around here, with lots of "new home" tasks to do and lots of packing going on.  But I did manage to get in some fun...

I finished a quilt (more on this one next week)...

...spent some fun time with this little monkey, who put on eye shadow to go to the movies....

...shared some Starbucks with this growing-up-too-fast beauty, who helped me with some moving-in tasks at the house...

...received and arranged some new furniture for the new living room...

...and sold all the vinyl flooring that loaded down those shelves!

It's been a pretty good week, even though both houses are kind of a mess, because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel when I look at views like this...

Looks pretty inviting, doesn't it?

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



Monday, January 20, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - What a Week!

Hi, all!

What a week it has been, and what a week to come!  We closed on our new house last week, and wonder of wonders, it went perfectly smoothly!  I've never had that experience before, and let me tell you, it was wonderful.  So I think I'll just quit buying houses now, while I'm ahead of the game!

Let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Pick a winner for my blogoversary giveaway!  
(Coming up next!)
Done, and the package is already winging its way north!

2.  Pack, pack, and pack again.
I have packed a bunch, but even more, I shredded through about eleven years of financial records that had accumulated.  That took forever, because I kept overheating my shredder....

3.  Go to our new house (after Thursday) and pull up the floating vinyl floor to see the much better floor underneath. (Fingers crossed it's in great condition!)
Good news - the flooring looks great!

It still needs a good cleaning but I like it a lot!

My husband was also very happy to move in the first piece of furniture, the desk he made for his new home office!

4.  Haul more stuff to the storage unit.
Here's just one load of stuff I took there...

5.  Go through the stuff in the attic and decide what to take and what to get rid of.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to this because of all the shredding...

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
It was a quiet week, with no quilt requests!

This week promises to be just as busy, or maybe busier than last week.  Here's what's on my calendar for the next few days...

1.  Finish the gift quilt.

2.  Take more boxes and stuff to the new house.

3.  Meet with movers for estimates.

4.  Accept furniture deliveries at the new house.

5.  Get internet and TV installed at the new house.

6.  Sort through and pack up the attic.

7.  Disassemble some of the larger Kallax shelves in my sewing studio so they can be taken downstairs.

8.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Not much quilt-y going on this week, and that makes me sad - but it can't be helped.  For the next two weeks, moving is going to have to take precedence.  You can see what's on my schedule for this week, and the carpet installers are coming on the 29th.  After that we can start moving boxes and small furniture in earnest, with the movers hopefully coming on February 4th to get the last of everything.   Then maybe I can get back to quilting!  

But I will be having some fun this week, too - Monday is a holiday for my grandkids, so we will be going to see the new movie "Dolittle"!  I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with them - we all love to go to the movies!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Friday, January 17, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Life Is Good!

Hi, all!

The end of the week has rolled around once again, and with it, time for us to do some whooping it up!  I hope you're ready - it's been a big week around here and I know I am!  Let's get started...


When I started this week I didn't think I'd be able to find anything "whoop-worthy" for this Friday's post.  Boy was I wrong!  First of all, in between all the packing and cleaning and decluttering I did this week, I found time to finish something...

 I'm really loving this pretty top, and even more, the fact that it's made completely from 5" squares I cut from scraps and stash fabric (the border triangles).  This will be a wedding present, so there's a deadline - here's hoping that next week I'm whooping about a finished quilt!

And this may not look like much to you, but it has consumed much or our thoughts for the past few weeks as we waited for the day we closed on our new house.  We did that yesterday (easiest. closing. ever.) and once we finally owned the house, we went over to pull up some of the cheap vinyl plank floor that was covering what we were told was nice engineered hardwood.  We were so happy to see that it really is nice, a pretty color, and something we can live with.  So we are definitely whooping it up today!  Our plan for this weekend is to get all of the vinyl pulled up, stacked and counted so we can hopefully sell it to someone who needs a LOT of vinyl flooring, and reveal the wood floor in all of its glory.

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem... Something A Little Different!

Hi, all!

It's 2020, and I still have a scrap problem - how about you?  I haven't had much time this week to sew, or even check out the internet much, but I did come across a great new way to use scraps today.  And after all, everyone needs a new way to use up their scraps, right?

This was the first thing I saw - and as I have a pair of lampshades just like that, and I really don't like them, I immediately saw the potential!  Now, Pinterest is an amazing place, and when I started searching there, I found lots more great ideas!

Look at this adorable table!  I've had tables in the past that looked like this, and they get old and beat up so easy.  But this would be fun to do!

And how about a pretty stool or chair?  Both of these make me want to run to the flea market and see what nasty looking thing I can find to recover with fabric and make beautiful!!

And here's the magic thing you'll need to redecorate your furniture with fabric...

Mod Podge was so popular when I was a teenager - we used paper to decoupage literally everything!  I'm kind of excited to give this a try sometime this year - maybe as  part of decorating my new quilt studio after we move!  

Have you ever decoupaged furniture using fabric?  I'd love to hear about your experience!



Monday, January 13, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - It's Getting Real!

Hi, all!

Wow, has it only been a week?  Seems like much longer since I made a list (not!) - because at the moment I am living by the list!  Every day starts with a list, and I'm enjoying the thrill of crossing things off.  Closing is on Thursday, and so far, the stars are aligning.  Keep your fingers crossed it stays that way!

So now, let's look at last week's list...

1.  Pull together fabrics and pattern for a gift quilt.
Done!  And I've got the top a little over halfway pieced...

2.  Pack.
3.  Pack some more.
4.  Pack even more.
Oh, I have packed and packed and packed some more!  Tonight I can say that the upstairs is almost finished - except for the attic.  Not looking forward to that!  And I've packed a lot downstairs, too. I'm getting close to having everything packed that can be done before we actually have movers scheduled.

And, wonder of wonders, look what I found while packing!  This is the key to our front storm door, which I have been looking for for about the past ten years.  We don't use our front door, so it wasn't a huge deal, but it sure was nice to find it!

5. Haul all the stuff I packed to the storage unit.
I didn't get ALL of what I packed to the storage unit, but we did take one load over there this week.

6.  Drop off stuff I didn't feel like packing at Goodwill.
Three loads worth!  And there's another load ready to go 
in my car...

7.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
We gave away three quilts this week...

This quilt went to a woman going through some pretty serious health issues...

And we sent this one to a new baby!

This quilt, pieced by one of our newer members, went to a young woman who went in the hospital for a simple procedure and ended up with a serious infection.

So all in all, a good and busy week!  My list for this week will look very similar, but here it is...

1.  Pick a winner for my blogoversary giveaway!  
(Coming up next!)

2.  Pack, pack, and pack again.

3.  Go to our new house (after Thursday) and pull up the floating vinyl floor to see the much better floor underneath. (Fingers crossed it's in great condition!)

4.  Haul more stuff to the storage unit.

5.  Go through the stuff in the attic and decide what to take and what to get rid of.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

I don't think I'll be getting into much trouble this week - by the time my day ends, I'm so tired it's a wonder if I can do anything!

And now for the winner of my blogoversary giveaway...

First of all, though, thanks to everyone who joined in and played along!  It was a lot of fun reading all your questions and answers!

And the winner is....

Congratulations, Kathy! I'll be emailing you for your snail mail address and can send your package out ASAP.  Good thing, too, because otherwise it's liable to get thrown in a box!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?



Thursday, January 9, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Big Things to Whoop About!

Hi, all!

Friday is here again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  It's been a big week around here, and I've got plenty to whoop about, so let's get started.  And guess what - we've all got a chance to be part of the celebration!


So let's start with the celebration, first!  I realized that exactly 10 years ago yesterday I wrote my first blog post, so it's my blogoversary!  The blog has come a long way from where it started - as a way for me to be held accountable for using my stash of fabric. I wasn't even a quilter when I started the blog!  It has been the source of many new friendships, a much bigger stash, and a fantastic learning tool.  And that's cause for a party!  

As I was cleaning out and packing up my studio this week, I found a box I had stashed away from way back in my Stash Builder Box days - and decided it would make a great giveaway to celebrate ten years!  So to enter the giveaway, leave a comment answering the question left by the commenter before you, and leaving a question for the next person to answer.  I'll start it off by asking, "What would you rather do than pack up a house full of thirteen years worth of clutter?"  (I can think of a lot of things, but that doesn't help me one bit!)  I'll draw a winner sometime on Monday and announce it on my Monday blogpost.

And speaking of packing, here's what my studio looks like now...

All my fabric is packed up!!  And yes, it was difficult - but at least I got to pet it all as I put it in the boxes.  And I know where it all is, so I can get to it if I need to.

I did, however, start a new quilt that will be a gift at the end of January - which should be interesting, since I don't know when I'll get my studio back up and running during the move!  

This is the corner of the quilt I started - and I'm going to try to take some time each day to work on it, so maybe I can finish the top and quilt it before I take down my quilt frame and long arm machine.  I'm pleased to say it's made from all scraps, except for the border setting triangles, and I think I just might be able to get it done in time to quilt it!

And here's the best news that I got today....

We are CLEAR TO CLOSE!!  In less than a week, we will close on our new home!  There's some carpeting work we want to have done before we move in, so I don't know exactly when we'll be living there instead of our current home, but hopefully by the end of the month!  

And all of that is definitely worth a whoop whoop!!!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!

And just a reminder - remember to enter the blogoversary giveaway!



This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I May Have A Scrap Problem - Some Inspiration for the New Year!

Hi, all!

Well, as before, there hasn't been any sewing going on around here - just a lot of packing!  Although today I did go through my 5" and 10" squares (all cut from my scraps) and pull together enough to make a quilt for a gift...

I'll need to get a move-on to get this one done before it's needed, so I will be doing a little sewing each day, I guess! 

And now, how about some inspiration to get you interested in using up those scraps?  All of these came through on Instagram in the last week or two...

I love this baby quilt of wonky stars!  Such a fun way to use up your scraps...

Look at all those tumblers!  I've always wanted to make a tumbler quilt, but it's still on the bucket list...

And how about these cute little snowmen, all snugged up under a patchwork blanket! 

I really love all the movement in this top!

I think it's the color that appeals to me most about this one, but it's certainly clever with multiple sizes of economy blocks and stripes!

Now I want to go sew!  Maybe I'll get a chance tomorrow...

