Thursday, January 9, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Big Things to Whoop About!

Hi, all!

Friday is here again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  It's been a big week around here, and I've got plenty to whoop about, so let's get started.  And guess what - we've all got a chance to be part of the celebration!


So let's start with the celebration, first!  I realized that exactly 10 years ago yesterday I wrote my first blog post, so it's my blogoversary!  The blog has come a long way from where it started - as a way for me to be held accountable for using my stash of fabric. I wasn't even a quilter when I started the blog!  It has been the source of many new friendships, a much bigger stash, and a fantastic learning tool.  And that's cause for a party!  

As I was cleaning out and packing up my studio this week, I found a box I had stashed away from way back in my Stash Builder Box days - and decided it would make a great giveaway to celebrate ten years!  So to enter the giveaway, leave a comment answering the question left by the commenter before you, and leaving a question for the next person to answer.  I'll start it off by asking, "What would you rather do than pack up a house full of thirteen years worth of clutter?"  (I can think of a lot of things, but that doesn't help me one bit!)  I'll draw a winner sometime on Monday and announce it on my Monday blogpost.

And speaking of packing, here's what my studio looks like now...

All my fabric is packed up!!  And yes, it was difficult - but at least I got to pet it all as I put it in the boxes.  And I know where it all is, so I can get to it if I need to.

I did, however, start a new quilt that will be a gift at the end of January - which should be interesting, since I don't know when I'll get my studio back up and running during the move!  

This is the corner of the quilt I started - and I'm going to try to take some time each day to work on it, so maybe I can finish the top and quilt it before I take down my quilt frame and long arm machine.  I'm pleased to say it's made from all scraps, except for the border setting triangles, and I think I just might be able to get it done in time to quilt it!

And here's the best news that I got today....

We are CLEAR TO CLOSE!!  In less than a week, we will close on our new home!  There's some carpeting work we want to have done before we move in, so I don't know exactly when we'll be living there instead of our current home, but hopefully by the end of the month!  

And all of that is definitely worth a whoop whoop!!!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!

And just a reminder - remember to enter the blogoversary giveaway!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Sarah, I get such a chuckle out of your whoops! Yeah, well your question makes me think I'd almost rather dust than pack up my stuff. You have a lot of stuff! But the quilt that's started looks really nice. My question for the next commenter is: How to you organize scraps large enough to cut into strips or squares?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ok, so back for a second try as I was too slow.... Congratulations on your 10 year blogoversary and also on the progress with your house moving! This is a tricky question to answer as all my scraps are in boxes/buckets waiting to be used and I just rummage through them when I need something for a project. Not the best question to ask me! My question for the next commenter is, How old is your oldest UFO?

  4. Congratulations on the packing. I went through this when I moved from Nashville TN to Iowa City IA for a new job. Six months along, I'm only 30% unpacked. Storage wasn't this apt's strongest selling point so unpacking without shelves is a non starter. I hope this weekend to find and pet some fabric. Oldest UFO was a 6 inch quilt squares I picked up at an old five and dime when I was in elementary school. My Mom found them and gave them to me. We'll see if they are salvageable. My question is have you ever used the curved applique scissors doing applique?

  5. Congratulations on your Blogoversary Sarah.
    My oldest UFO is 18 years, it is blue and yellow wedding ring quilt, I still love it and will finish it, hopefully this year. LOL.
    My question is: What is the best way to remember where and what quilt patterns you have in your quilt magazines and to access them quickly.

  6. Hooray for you! I Xerox the patterns I think I'm going to use, and put them in a folder, inside a plastic sheet holder. Then when I am making a quilt with that pattern I transfer the whole thing to a clipboard that I keep by my sewing machine. I also have a basket that holds magazines with patterns I just kind of think I'm interested in; those patterns have a post it on them, or a post it on the front of the magazine to remind me why the magazine is there. I look at those every once in awhile to be sure I'm still interested. Here is my question: I just received a small Accuquilt cutting machine (the kind made for kids, really). Do you have any kind of cutting machine and if so, which dies do you use most frequently?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. sorry I am slow at typing apparently! I do not have one, I have used hole punchers, I know not the same.

  9. Congratulations on being cleared to close. We purchased property last year and are talking with contractors trying to decide on building plans.

    I am not looking forward to going through over 20 years of accumulated stuff....but it has to be done so there is no choice.

    In answer to the Accuquilt question....I have an Accuquilt Go (the mid size model) and I have lots of dies....but find it a little cumbersome to use in my current space. But I use the square die and the 2 1/2" strip dies the most.

    My question you store your fabrics by color....and do you separate out anything, like 30's prints, orientals, etc. into their own category?

  10. Congrats on your blogiversity! I rather like packing things up! I would rather organize! Lost my quilt room to son so am quilting in my dining room ,so organization is the main thing to do! If course i would rather be quilting but these things need to be done, I'm living out of boxes as you will be when you move! I put pieces of cloth, 2 1/2 inch squares on outside of box so I know what's in it!
    Love your new quilt, very pretty!

  11. Would love pdf of pattern you're working on!

  12. I mostly store my fabrics by color as opposed to theme Do you use an accuquilt?

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  14. By-passing the spam - I don't have an accuquilt - I love my rulers and the whole cutting process. What new fabric line have you just fallen in love with and MUST have it?

  15. Congrats! on your blogiversary! I don't really look at fabric lines, but did recently order a bundle of Robin Pickens "Spendid" Christmas line and am looking forward to cutting into the gorgeous fabrics. What is your favorite part of the quilting process?

  16. My favorite part of the quilting process is pulling all the fabrics to go together. I love digging through my stash for the perfect piece!
    My question: how do you sort/store you fabric--by color, by collection, by style (batiks, 30's, etc.) or some other way?
    Congrats on 10 wonderful years!

  17. Congrats on 10 years!

    I sort my fabrics by color, though regular quilting cottons and batiks are in different places :)

    What keeps you from finishing a quilt?

  18. Congratulations on your anniversary! And 'almost' closing!

    Unfortunately, I have a lot of difficulties quilting a larger quilt on my domestic machine and I have specific ideas for the quilting. My LAQ only does all-over designs and others charge way more than I can afford to do custom design. I am waiting on my long arm machine to start on my tops. That keeps me from finishing a quilt.

    I enjoy reading lore and histories behind a quilt. Do you enjoy reading history and stories of quilting.

  19. I enjoy more modern quilts and really don't take the time to read histories of quilts, however I can share a little story with you! I have a red, white and blue quilt that I researched years ago since I received it as a gift from my great aunt. I used to stay with my 2 great aunts when my parents went on a fall vacation, and I slept under this quilt during my stays with them in the 1970s. I think it is what started my love of quilting! When one of my aunts had passed away, the other needed to move to a nursing home and she gave me the quilt that she knew I had loved as a little girl (this was in the 1990s). I researched and found that the pattern was King Solomon's Temple. I also found out that my great aunt's mother made the quilt. It is all done by hand and has a bit of fading, but is otherwise in great shape. I've displayed it ever since I received it on a quilt rack in my bedroom.
    I've been quilting since high school in the 1980s and I truly believe this quilt started my LOVE for quilting!

    What influenced you to start quilting?

  20. Wow, 10 years. Great job. Right now I'm a caregiver for my mom and working so I don't have much time to quilt. I don't do much reading except my Bible. Trying to get my own place set up while living at my mom and dad's but my question is this:
    How do you get organized when someone else packed up your sewing room and just threw everything in boxes?

  21. Congrats on ten years. Can't believe you weren't a quilter when you started!

    I'm planning two graduation college, one high school. My grand daughter is already wondering what hers will look like. Guess I should figure that out ;-)

    I do enjoy stories of quilting. First author that comes to mind is Jennifer Chiaverini and her Elm Street series. Another I read was Hidden in Plain View, by Raymond Dobard, Jr. based on belief that quilts were used to guide runaway slaves.

    I find that some days go by with little or no progress on projects. My question is how do you organize your schedule to get some quilting done each day?

  22. Sarah, I just wanted to say congratulations on your blogiversary and to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog, especially when you are whooping it up.Hope everything goes well with your moving.
    (Not entering giveaway)

  23. Ten years goes by so quickly! How do you get some quilting done each day? I am a new quilter and if it isn't sitting next to the sewing machine I don't get to it. I sew costumes that I sell online and those are my priority. I always have a quilt in progress close by to grab when I get a few minutes.

    Next question ~ do you always use a designer pattern or do you enjoy making your own pattern?

  24. Congratulations on your new home, Sarah! How exciting! Your packing is going really well. Can't wait to see your new digs!

  25. I am retired, so I get to quilt whenever I want, LOL!! But when I was working, I set aside Saturday afternoons for laundry and sewing.

    I am coming up on my six-year blogiversary, and still going. Congratulations on your 10th!!

    My question - how do you store your scraps?

    1. I was replying to Mary Ann, but to answer the one above me now, I enjoy designing my own.

  26. My scraps are stored in a freezer basket removed from our old refrigerator prior to it be carried off. I dont keep many scraps because my storage space is limited.
    Congrats on the new home. I hope your new space is twice as large and bright. Thank you for the linkup.

  27. Oops, forgot to ask a question.Do you precut your scraps prior to storing them?

  28. Congrats on 10 years and your move - how exciting!
    We are planning a move, but haven't found a house or sold our house, so we are still on the rollercoaster of what's next.
    My answer to how do you organize your schedule to get some quilting done each day? I don't, working full time means quilting is fit in when I have time, which makes me sad and right now my studio is all packed up, so the only thing my machine does is mending....someday I'll get a chance to quilt!

    My question: Hoe many times have you moved as an adult?

  29. nice start on packing everything up you have been doing really good on that - so nice to have the sale go through I'm sure - good luck on selling your current as soon as you are out of it

  30. Wow, what a great day that will be! Moving in and making the space your own! My answer: 10 times I have moved 10 times! Gee that seems like a lot.
    My question: What is your favorite sweet treat!

  31. Woo hoo! Clear to close! And congrats on your 10 year blogoversary! These are BIG milestones :)
    My answer: My favorite sweet treat is homemade birthday cake. Yum!
    My question: If you were in an assembly line, making quilts, what ONE part of the process would you be happy to do over and over again?

  32. Moving isn't easy, it's messy...but so worth it in the end don't you think?! Best of luck with the process!!

    I love that question Louise! Hand stitching the binding on! Love doing that!!

    Question: What is your favorite back ground color for quilts? Mine is gray, which I seem to use all the time!

  33. My favorite background color is off-white.
    Question: Can you put random scraps together for a quilt or are you more of a "one fabric line only" type of quilter?
    (I love scrappy!)

  34. Happy Blogoversary to Sarah.
    I am definitely a random scrap kind of quilter and love crumb and improv. What is your preferred method of finishing bindings- machine or hand?

  35. Congratulations on the 10 years!
    I am the hand finish type of quilter. Had to start machine finishing the bindings for a local Comfort Quilts group and, even after two years, still dislike the process and the outcome.
    My question is also about bindings. How do you choose bindings? Matchy-matchy, a big pop of color, or stripes?
    Connie W.

  36. Cheers to another 10 years! For me, each quilt is different. Some holler for subtle, and some for a pop of color. I rarely choose the binding before I start making the quilt. My question is What's your favorite method for making half-square triangles? Joyce

  37. Well, Happy Blogiversary! We are so glad you made that start and continued in such a wonderful way! I'm answering Elizabeth's question about binding. I have started doing some machine finishing this year but still prefer the look of hand finishing as I'm not that good at it yet. My you like to use Jelly Rolls?

  38. Happy Blogiversary! That is an amazing accomplishment!
    I would rather do anything than pack/move!
    I would pay someone to do that for me because I detest it and am terrible at it.
    The previous question... jelly rolls... no I don't use them. I have so much stash to use up, if I need strips I would cut them from stash. I don't think I have ever purchased one!
    New question... do you primarily order fabric online, or shop at a local quilt store?

  39. When I have to buy new - my stash is way too much for one person, just ask my husband - I buy from a small town local quilt store.

    My question: Do you have special go-to patterns you usually use or do you like to try new patterns from magazines or online?

  40. Being able to close on your new house is so awesome, Sarah!! Congrats on that!

    Answer to previous question: I don't have go-to patterns. I had rather not remake the same pattern, and I mostly make my own in EQ8. I just have to write them up and get them on my site!

    New Question: How do you have your studio stash organized - by color, theme, and what tools do you use for organization?

  41. Super exciting! Worthy of a huge Whoop Whoop!!

  42. Congratulations on 10 years!! I found your blog about 2 years ago and have since enjoyed it very much. I have a question for Sarah regarding the storage cabinet that you have placed your boxes. Did you make it, buy it, design it or what? Where can I find one like it or get a pattern for it. Thanks for your enjoyable blog and hopefully it will continue for many more years.

    1. Chris, I got those cabinets at IKEA - they are part of the Kallax line. I love them!!

  43. Congratulations on 10 years and being ready to close on the new house! Plenty of whoop whooping going on for you :) My answer to the last question is that my stash is (barely) organized by colour and the fabric is stored in an old dresser.

    And my question is - what's for supper? :)

  44. Congratulations on 10 wonderful years blogging. Watching your grandchildren grow up and H2H are my 2 favorite things about your blog. I would rather pack your 13 years worth of accumulation than the 29 years I am attempting to declutter.
    I am making roasted pepper/grilled eggplant parmasean with pasta and marinara sauce. We'll also be enjoying an appetizer of burrata over romaine lettuce with prosciutto and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.
    What draws you to a quilt pattern?


  45. I love this blog and have been following for several years... even before I started my own blog. But thanks for providing awesome inspiration, goal setting, purposeful projects and lots of quilty freinds, Sarah.
    Determining a quilt pattern depends on the purpose. I needed to make a baby quilt so I chose I brick pattern on Pinterest that was easy. I selected a star pattern for my quilt a long from a picture I had seen. I am always looking at something different from what I have already made and like to put my own spin on it. For my question: what do you do when you get into a funk?

  46. Congratulations on your 10 year bloggaversary!!! I love your blog! I'm not tototlly sure what draws me to a pattern. Sometimes it's the colors, sometimes it's the pattern but I would say the second happens more often than the first! I like patterns that are unusual but that I can put my own spin on. I rarely can manage to finish a quilt that doesn't have some sort of change in it that I have done. I may reduce the size or if a specific challenge calls for a specific pattern, I change out the colors. It's important to me to make a quilt my own. I rarely buy a kit! My question is how do you decide how you want to have a quilt quilted?

  47. Sorry, It took me too long to answer! My best funk stopper is Pinterest! and then a little time in my sewing room!

  48. I consult with the longarm quilter and decide with her help.
    Do you think you ever sew up all your stash????

  49. Do you think you will ever sew up all your stash?

  50. Love your blog Sarah! I've been linking up with you for a few years and always enjoy the variety of projects that are shared.

    When I get into a funk I first straighten my studio because I am probably in the funk because it is messy. And then I pull out a small improv project like a quilted card or wall hanging.

    My question(s) is/are... Do you like to participate in BOMs or sew alongs? How many is a manageable number for you so that you don't end up with a bunch of UFOs at the end of them?

  51. I have participated in some BOMs. There is never a magical number that is manageable. Sometimes I have only managed to collect the patterns or tutorials. I have a lot of different interests; quilting/sewing is only one of them. Also, life just seems to have a way of getting in the way.

    My question is: How much time do you spend each week on quilting?

  52. Congrats on your blogiversary. I think I would rather finish all of my UFos than pack :-)

  53. Just want to say what a great way to have a giveaway , Sarah! I enjoy your blog so much and am very much looking forward to the next H2H which never fails to give me a happy feeling. I like it when I can spend at least two half days in my sewing room every gotta go. My question is how do you respond when someone asks you why you need another quilt! Even when their house has more than a few of your creations.

  54. I would say to someone that asks me why another quilt; because quilting is my passion and I would not cope well without the therapy. Now my question is : how often do you shop for extra quilting supplies, that you don't really need?

  55. I can hardly believe you weren't a quilter when you began blogging. (I'll have to go and read those first pages). Congratulations for doing for 10 years. I am happy I have found you. I love your style and all the inspiration you find for us. Thank you.
    Congratulations on getting clear to close. Wishing you all the best on the move.
    To answer Janie, I never shop for extra quilting supplies that I don't need. I always need what I buy. Maybe not for this quilt, maybe not now, but somewhere in the future I will need that supply, lol. ;^)
    My question is How far are you willing to drive to get to a quilt shop? I drive 30 minutes to 1:30 depending which store I go to.
    Thanks for the chance of winning. ;^)

  56. Happy Anniversary! It's been great following your adventures. I have driven 5 hours (from Canada to the USA) to buy fabric. LOL All in the name of a $2/yard sale. I can drive to a fabric store than 10 minutes from my house. There is a store about an hour away that I drive to a few times per year. What's your fabric part of the the quilting process?

  57. I enjoy reading your Blog and all the projects you do. To Answer Chantel's question, my friend and I have driven over 200 miles to do Row by Row. I've also driven down to Lancaster, PA to go shopping in the quilt shops there.
    My question is are you more of a Modern or Traditional quilter? I'm more of a Traditional quilter although I do like to do a modern quilt every so often.

  58. Congratulations on your new house! How exciting! And congratulations on ten years of blogging. Sandi, I am sitting firmly on the fence when it comes to quilting genre; most of my quilts have elements of modern and traditional. I have no interest in a quilt with 20 identical blocks, but I am unlikely to make one that has a Bauhaus vibe. I'd like to ask if you buy fat quarter bundles.

  59. Congrats on your clear to close Sarah. I went through that just this year, moving 21 years of household collections and clutter to move closer to my daughter and grandkids. So I know ANYTHING is better than that. I've lost 2 items in the move. A quilt top in progress and my stiletto tool. :( Congrats on the blog anniversary. I've been following along since I retired in October 2010. My questions is do you have Pets? If so what and how many. I currently have 1 dog, 1 cat, a small fish tank and my granddaughters 2 bunnies. I call them my menagerie. I've only purchase 1 fat quarter bundle ever. An all neutrals bundle as I was running very low on variety.

  60. Sarah-I would dread having to pack up my sewing studio!

    Anita-I have no pets-my kids get lots of playtime with our neighbor’s pugs in the summer. Maybe we’ll start with a goldfish...

    My question-how many seam rippers do you have (and do you know where they all are)?

  61. I am in awe of your prepacking of your fabric Sarah.
    Erika I think I have six seam rippers, and I just bought a new one this past week, to make lucky 7.
    My question is do you listen to books while you sew/quilt?

  62. Hi Sarah! A big congratulations on 10 years and another big congrats on being cleared to close!!! Woohoo both are equally exciting :-) @bidtl Yes I absolutely listen to books while I sew & quilt it's an awesome way for me to enjoy both hobbies.
    My question: How many quilty UFO's do you currently have waiting for your attention?

  63. Answer: Ugh! I have too many UFOs to count. Let's just say that I've probably got 1+ for every day of the month.
    Congrats on your 10 year blog-a-versary!! You are 6 months ahead of me.
    My question: Are you a scrap quilter, a kit quilter, or do you just "talk a good quilt"? (That's what I did for the first 10 years that I was quilting!)

  64. Congrats Sarah on your anniversary. Love your blog. Good luck with the move. I have lived in my house for 31 years and don't want think about moving. I used to be a kit quilter now I am a scrap quilter with all the leftovers and a total squirrel for new projects. Just love seeing and piecing. What is your favorite color?

  65. Congrats on the blog anniversary. So glad that you get to move soon. My favorite color is dark green. Well, most shades and tones of green except mint. Question: do you begin a new quilt top or enter another quilt along before finishing the one you are working on?

  66. Hi Sarah! Congrats on being Cleared to Close!! Packing up is progressing, I know. And giving yourself a project to sew by the end of January ensures that your sewing machine, etc. is at least unpacked and plugged in. Good idea and most of all, good luck! How exciting to have been blogging for TEN years! That is amazing and I'll bet it doesn't seem like it has been that long. Look how successful H2H has become, all thanks to you. To answer the question above - I have so many ongoing projects is it unbelievable . . . and I just lined up another one to start today. I may have a problem. And for the next poster: Do you enjoy FMQ yourself or do you shy away from it? ~smile~ Roseanne

  67. I'm lucky to have a good friend with a long-arm, so that's where my quilts go rather than doing the FMQ myself. My question for the next person is "Do you find it as hard as I do to throw away those small pieces of fabric?"

  68. Congratulations on your Blogoversary Sarah!
    I'm probably crazy - but I save anything that can be cut down to a 1.5" x 2.5" rectangle - smaller than that and it goes into the trash.
    My question is - do you consider yourself a modern or a traditional quilter?

  69. I am an art quilter at heart. Mostly wall hangings using lots of paints, dyed and hand embroidery. However I have a huge stash of fabrics so I do traditional quilts to get that sewn down. Ahem, we all know how that's going for me. My question is what is the feature in your sewing space that you live the most?

  70. My sewing room was too dark so my great brother put lights over my machine and my cutting table. It makes a big difference. My question is, do you pick your pattern first or pick fabric you love and then look for a pattern.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  71. Depending on what I see first...pattern or material. My question is your sewing room organized or do you have piles laying her & there!

  72. Congrats Sarah!! My sewing room is normally organized, but it has moments of crazy. My question is do you have a fabric budget and how do you stick to it?

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