Monday, February 10, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - New House, New Start!

Hi, all!

Rumors of my disappearance being totally inaccurate, I am actually alive and well despite my minimal presence here on the blog over the last two weeks.  And I've missed it!  Now that I feel like I can finally keep my head above water, it's time to get back into the regular swing of things.

Since I haven't done a list in a couple of weeks, here's a recap of the  ministry quilts we've given away recently...

All of these quilts went to people dealing with serious medical issues and are giving quilt-y hugs as we speak!

Now for this week's list:

1.  Work on organizing/setting up the quilt studio.

2.  Hang up pictures.

3.  Organize the bedroom closet.

4.  Finish a quilt top for a special event at church.

5.  Write blogposts for the "Charmed, I'm Sure" tutorial series.

6.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

So much to do!  And not nearly enough time to play with fabric - but that will come.  Until then, I'll try to fit in a little fabric play every day.

So now, the question is - - - what are you working on this week?




  1. Thanks for the quilty eye candy and inspiration! It reminds me that I have a bunch of tumblers cut and should start piecing them together :)

  2. A move has a ripple effect on your life, that's for sure!
    Now you are going to have to find just the right place for everything--it will be enjoyable; take it slowly and save a little time each day to work on and in your new studio!

  3. I am working on my Signature quilt and my quilt Alaska this week - quilting in the evening and filling in with knitting or crochet for 5 minutes here and there when I can. I'm sure you are much busier but take time for that cup of coffee- sit down put your feet up and just look all around and take in all that you have finished not what still needs to be done!

  4. Moves are tough - and you do so much! Are you at QuiltCon this year? I am looking forward to it and meeting you was one of the highlights last year.

  5. Best of luck on working through your last, Sarah!!

  6. You are such a trooper getting so much done! I hope the new home is feeling wonderful even as you get all that unpacking accomplished. The quilts for the charity effort are all lovely. I'm praying for those dealing with challenges.
    I'm a bit stalled on my Straits quilt since I lost my kitty but my other girl helped me get upstairs and do some quilting on a top that's been waiting for a year or more. So we are slowly seeing some progress here.
    Have a great week. Can't wait to see more of Charmed, I'm Sure!

  7. Las mudanzas son pesadas pero al vez renovadoras, a tomarlo con tranquilidad.
    Estos quilts son preciosos.
    Feliz semana.

  8. I finally finished the quilting on my son's quilt. It's been under the needle for almost a year. (Yes, I know. It's ridiculous but true.) It is so big that it asks a lot of my energy and neck/back muscle to fit it into my domestic Janome. Now I need to find a binding and get it done. Yay!
    Good luck with your goals. ;^)

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