Monday, May 25, 2020

Make A List Monday - Losing Track of Time

Hi, all!

I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  My husband (who has been working at home) decided to take four days, a long weekend, for the holiday and we have been doing some different things while he has been "off".  And quite honestly, I lost track of my days.  It just occurred to me that it is Monday, and a posting day - oops!  It took a while to get used to our new "normal" but once I caught the rhythm, it was a little easier.  Now I need to get back into the rhythm again after the long weekend.

So here's my task for this week....

Turn this rough "draft" of a t-shirt quilt top into the real thing!  It's enough to keep me busy for the week, and hopefully I'll have it finished by the end of the week.  It took a while to get this draft pulled together - there were lots of shirts to work from and we had to do some pruning to get to this point, but I think this is going to be a fun memory quilt!

And here's a little taste of what my husband worked on this weekend - he stripped and refinished this table's top and painted the base.  Now it's looking very refreshed back in our kitchen eating area!  He gave me this table for Valentine's Day back when my daughter Nancy was little, so it's been in the family for a long time. Now it's feeling the love and looks great!

So - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. This week is for finishing May's wedding table decorations. 2 more table toppers to piece and quilt in May, 7 total until August wedding. But 12" blocks with 2 small borders are not that big of a job, so it's doable.

  2. Your T shirt quilt is coming along nicely. It looks like you took pictures and are planning it on paper. What a great idea! The table looks lovely.

  3. Congrats on your "new" table, Sarah! Best of luck on that T-Quilt, too. I rarely do any "pruning" on those quilts. I try to find a way to use ALL the shirts!

  4. I like how you plan for the t-shirt quilt!
    The table is beautiful! What a great face lift!

  5. Hi Sarah! Enjoy your lovely 'new' table. Your DH did a great job! And you are quite a warrior with those t shirt quilts ;-) I don't envy the job!
    I have been happily sewing this weekend on a quilt using beautiful Painted Meadow fabrics (by Robin Pickens). Coneflowers and big fat bumble bees. Just beauty at my fingertips and very fun. Hope it's a great week for you!

  6. WOW you are brave making a tee-shirt quilt--that always seems like quite a challenge in sewing to me...I like how you have set up the blocks so far...nice planning
    ~ ~ ~ waving in the sunshine today Julierose

  7. Well up to a lot including a wrap up for H2H! I expect it will come on the 31st....


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