Monday, May 11, 2020

Make-A-List Monday - What's Next?

Hi, all!

Welcome to another Monday - it still kind of feels like things are the same as they were, even though restrictions are being eased around here.  We still feel like it's safer to stay in, and Bill will still be working from home, so life isn't going to change much around here.  I'm still trying out new recipes (ramen in the instant pot is the bomb, guys!) and we're having a family night at least once a week with Nancy and the kids.  Some things have changed for the better!

Are you finding something similar in your own life?  It's been a strange couple of months, but wouldn't it be wonderful if we found ways to do things that were better for us as a result?  

OK, that's enough of that.  I do have a few things to share, like a finished quilt...

...a fabric pull for a new quilt...

...and a good start on that quilt!  Love love love working with these beautiful Kate Spain fabrics, supplemented with some Kaffe and Figo fabrics to fill out the pull!

I made a bunch of masks - about twenty-five - but my favorite was this custom mask for my grandson, who has trouble with elastics on his ears because of his cochlear implants.  He has really tiny ears, and there's just not room for the cochlears and the elastic!  So this mask ties on.  I think he likes it!  Of course, it could be because it's green.....

I also cut up a mess of solid scraps, a start on a new quilt I've been ruminating over in my head.  But I need to get a lot more scraps cut up before I can start sewing!

And then there are the non-quilt-y things I did this week, like ...

...finishing another jigsaw puzzle....

...making homemade latkes from the remains of a hash brown casserole that didn't work out so well - but the latkes were EXCELLENT!

And this was an exercise in purchasing power.  There's a story behind it.  My husband went to the grocery store Sunday morning for the first time in about two months, to buy steaks for Mother's Day lunch.  He found the shelves and cases to be very picked over, and had a hard time finding steaks that he liked.  (He did, however, bring home two very good steaks and we had a lovely lunch!) But then he got this great idea that we should buy half a cow and half a pig and put the meat in our freezer.  He started researching and found several places that do it, all at an average of about $10-15 a pound.  I tried to tell him I didn't ever pay that kind of money per pound for meat, but he was adamant.  I finally got him to agree to let me go to the store this morning and see what I could find to fill our freezer before we made any decisions.  And I did have a successful trip - I found steaks, ribs, a Boston butt roast, hamburger, bacon, breakfast sausage, summer sausage, shrimp, pork chops, and two whole chickens!  About 34 pounds of meat, which ended up costing about $2.67 per pound on average.  So I not only filled the freezer, but I made my point - It's much more economical to buy meat when it goes on sale!  So now I have no excuse for not cooking (but did you notice I got him some things he can smoke or grill? I'm no dummy!)

This week I'll be working on that pineapple quilt, quilting some tops for the quilt ministry, cutting more scraps up and probably making some more masks to go in the pickup tub at church.  Definitely enough to keep out of trouble this week!

Oh, and we're doing something a little different for family dinner night - we're having family game night!  Lots of little finger foods to eat and a mess of games to play - should be super fun!

So now, the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. People often say that I'm SEW busy that I make them tired just reading about my activities. Boy, Sarah, have you got me beat!! This week, I'm working on my Q.4 challenge for Project QUILTING's Quarantine Edition. The prompt is spots.

  2. What a great post! Lovely new quilt-in-the-works; beautiful grandson!

  3. Curioua to see what you do with the solids - I have been finding a lot here and there and filling a tote. There's plenty of meat in the stores here, but gotten very expensive - makes you rethink meal plan. Luckily I am not a bit meat eater - love my vegies.

  4. nice meat haul...i too buy on sale and doesn't take much to feed one person for a whole month...and really cute pineapples!

  5. One of our local stores usually offers really economical meat bundles, but they announced this week that they have to suspend them temporarily. Fortunately my freezer is fairly full. I’ve really been working on a memory quilt. My husband and my cousin share a Big birthday this fall and I wanted to have a quilt for her from our grandpa’s shirts, so that meant also pushing myself to finally do one for him from his dad’s shirts.

  6. Love the mask! I can even seen your grandson smiling behind it! Always get as much grille stuff as you can! LOL

  7. I love the bright pinks and purples for your pineapple quilt! I've got to get back to my t-shirt quilt now that I have interfacing! One of many on my to-do list!

  8. Love those Kate Spain prints, I have the same in my drawer. Looking forward to seeing what they become!

  9. Progress on projects feels so good! I am not sure where you were looking to purchase a cow, but we do it and it never costs us that much per pound. Our last one was $3.00 per pound. In July we are getting our first pig, so not sure yet how much that will end up being per pound, but it sure does fill up the freezer! LOL

  10. Oh, you were lucky at the store, our stores have rationing so we cannot get more than six packages of beef/pork/chicken at a time. Great projects, such a pretty line up for your fabric pull.

  11. I love Nathaniel's mask! I have some of that snake fabric and it is really fun :)

  12. Great job on the t-shirt quilt! Sounds like you are having some real family fun. WE finally got to spend the day with our children and granddaughters on Sunday. It's been a long time! I just finished quilt #3 for H2H and the last one was a total serendipity that morphed into a great quilt. You are spurring me on, Sarah! Ha!!

  13. We used to have game night, with lots of cut up deli meats, cheeses, crackers, etc. I've found that different stores have different selections of meats. One store has TONS of meats (at good prices). My son does most of the shopping (he works at a grocery store) but I occasionally stop at another store for great meats. We haven't had much grilling weather here (too far north). If spring every arrives here (for more than a few days at a time) then maybe we can start grilling more.


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