Friday, October 23, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I'm Counting on You!

 Hi, all!

Well, here we are at Friday again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I haven't had any time to sew this week at all.....

...because I've been working the polls this week instead!  It's exciting to see all the first time voters, all shiny and new, and the senior citizens who make the difficult effort to get to the polls in person to cast their vote.

It's hard work and long hours, but so worth it.  If you are able to volunteer to work your county's polls in the future, I highly recommend it!

Because I haven't had time to sew, I'm going to rely on all of you to inspire us with what you are whooping about this week!

And I'll leave you with this - go vote!  Offer a ride to someone who may have a hard time getting to the polls.  Drop by your local early voting location and bring them donuts!  (They'll love you forever!)  Encourage your friends to vote, too.  It's your right, your privilege, and your responsibility.  Use it!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. We appreciate all the people who are manning the polls! Thank you for that and pointing out how important it is to vote!

  2. This year was the first time I voted by mail. I'll miss going in person, but mostly I'll miss seeing the kind and generous people, like yourself, who make it all happen.

  3. I dropped off my absentee ballot last week at an Early Absentee voting location. All the volunteers were so pleasant and helpful, the whole experience was anxiety free!! Thank you for all you're doing to help out in your area!! <3

  4. Voted last weekend - thanks for the reminder!

  5. a HUGE whoop-whoop to you for being a Voter helper Hero!!

  6. Well done for volunteering. The whole word is looking at your country at the moment!

  7. I was a poll worker for several years. A great experience! I totally enjoyed seeing young people voting for the first time--we usually stood and gave them a hearty applause while announcing that they were voting for the first time. All smiles here at the memory... and I was able to take one of my small lap quilts and present it to friends who are moving to Montana. I told them they should have a piece of Tehachapi to remind them of their 42 years here.

  8. We did early voting this past week and now it is done!

  9. Thanks for being a poll worker. I just voted and turned Scott's ballot in for him while I was there. We didn't trust the mail, so we waited until our polling place would be open for in-person. :)


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