Friday, October 9, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? It's Been A Good Week!


Hi, all!

Hard to believe it's already been a week since we last got together to do a little whooping, but here it is, Friday again!  And that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on - are you ready? I know I am!! So let's get started!


When this week started, I shared my incredibly long to-do list - generated as a result of the very limited amount of sewing time I'll have this month.  You see, I'll be serving as a poll worker starting next Wednesday until almost the end of the month, and then again on election day.  I'm looking forward to it, but it's going to put a real crimp in my sewing time!  So I pulled together a very ambitious list of things I wanted to get done this week and posted it early Monday morning.  And I'm pleased to say that as of Thursday evening, I completed everything on the list and then some!  Here are just a few highlights of my week...

I finished this quilt...

I actually cleaned out the Scrap Basket of Shame!

And then I cleaned off my work station!

Now this one has a funny story.  I set out to make a back for Lilli's Harry Potter quilt Thursday morning, but when I looked for the quilt and the leftover fabrics, I. Could. Not. Find. Them.  I remembered putting the quilt "someplace safe" (hah!) and spent a very frantic fifteen minutes or so turning my studio upside down trying to find it.  Fortunately, it turned up (whew!) in an odd spot, and I was able to make...

...a really cool back for her quilt!  Lucky girl - she's going to have a two-sided quilt for sure this year.  The background material is Hufflepuff themed - her house, and her choice, although she tells me the colors are wrong.  It took a bit of finagling, as I didn't have enough of the Hufflepuff fabric to do the whole back, but I did manage to finish it using fabrics I had on hand - score!

That's not all I did this week - you'll have to come back Monday to see all of it - but I'm certainly whooping it up over here!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share! We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. All of your Grands are lucky! The tradition of yearly quilts is an amazing one! And that is a dance worthy backing. Whoop Whoop!

  2. you not only get a whoop-whoop for that fantastic quilt, you get a big gold star for your election work!

  3. Putting something 'somewhere safe' is always a dangerous idea, lol. I'm glad you didn't have to look too long before binding the quilt top again :)

  4. Now this is a very good finish! I hate it when I put something in a 'good' spot! lol

  5. Putting something in a 'good spot' is what I always do. I need to spend serious time sorting my scraps.

  6. Well donde!Luck grands!Second week without play with my fabrics and hope can do it this weekend.
    Have a fun weekend!

  7. I bought a thread cone holder and put it away until I bought a cone. Of course, when the thread came, I couldn't remember where I put the holder. Hope you aren't in the path of the Delta rains.

  8. Yay! You certainly got a lot accomplished. Just cleaning my sewing room takes a bit of time!

  9. Oh, the dreaded "safe spot"! Lots of things hiding there. Glad you found the fabric :)

  10. I've not seen that Hufflepuff fabric. My DIL is also Hufflepuff, so I've looked for fabrics for things for her.

  11. Wow, you certainly have been busy. I just went through a marathon of scrap cutting and organizing. I felt deja vu when I saw your scraps. Glad you found the HP quilt!


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