Friday, October 16, 2020

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities..


Hi, all!

Friday has rolled around once again, and that means it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  It's been a busy week as we move into fall and election season, and I've got a special whoop whoop this week - so let's get started!


This week, I've had the honor of working as a registrar at an early voting site for my county.  It has been an eye opening experience, and mighty humbling.  

While we haven't had the hours-and-hours long lines that some locations have seen, we have had a constant flow of people keeping the three registrars busy since we opened at 9 am on Wednesday.  We tag team with the election officer for breaks, and in the first two days we saw over 1800 voters come through our doors.  

Many of those have been first time voters - fresh-faced, a little nervous and unsure of themselves, but excited to be voting in their first election!  They are an inspiration!

And then there are the older voters - many of them unable to stand in line, but rolling along in seated walkers or moving a chair from stop to  stop in the line.  The oldest of them, as near as I remember, was 93 years old.  She wanted to be sure to vote in this election as she had at every other opportunity in her life.  These folks are an inspiration!

I'm also inspired by the people I'm working with.  One gentleman has worked the polls for 43 years!  They are all committed, hard working, and excited to see all of the people coming to vote.

It is hard work, long hours with no "down" time, but it is so rewarding.  I highly recommend taking the time to work with your local polls if that is an option for you in the future.  They are always in need of poll workers!  You won't regret it for a moment.

And as always, remember that voting is a right, a privilege, and a responsibility.  Exercise your right to vote!  Be kind to the poll workers - remember they are working hard to get you through that line as quickly as possible.  It isn't a cushy job!  And if you are required to wear masks or gloves or practice social distancing at your polling place, please just grin and bear it - it won't kill you, and it makes voting safer for your fellow citizens and for the poll workers who are there to make it possible for you to vote!

So - for all those newbie voters, and all those elderly folks who make the trek to vote because they know how important it is, and all the ones in between - 

Can I get a whoop whoop???


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. ur voting for our new government members and Prime Minister closes tomorrow. Already probably half the eligible voters ( by tonight's closing numbers) will have cast an early vote. We did, distancing, hand sanitiser, log in with the phone app or sign in, free pen to enter your vote, keep it and take it home. ( my pen lasted long enough to fill in about 12 crossword answers, then faded to nothing). Guess like a lot of things, designed to be used once then thrown away, Yes, volunteers are so important, paid or unpaid, and without those like you, voting would be a no-go. I so respect anyone who steps up to the line. XXXX

  2. Way to go Sarah! That’s a most excellent whoop-whoop!


  3. Wonderful promotion of the right and privilege of voting!

  4. Sarah, you have a servant's heart which you exhibit in your church's quilt ministry, your H2H ministry, and now in serving your community. You put in a very long day. Stay safe and take care.

  5. I've had two people stress me this week, attack me verbally, who think we should all just agree with the current administration... no we have the responsibility in a democracy to speak up and one way to show that is to vote. Women especially since we had to fight the govt for the RIGHT to vote as an equal citizen!Thank you for your service to our country!

  6. One of the great things about in-person voting is getting to see people -- neighbors, the election judge crew. We completed our mail-in ballots and sent them in right away.

  7. Well done, Sarah. I command you for your devotion to others. Now, for scrap fun and HSTs galore, you check out my post linked to this party. You said you wanted to see. I hope you enjoy it. ;^)

  8. Good for you Sarah. I know it has been tough making sure there are enough people working the polls here with the problems with Covid. We are heading out next week to early vote. Take care and stay safe!

  9. One of the most uplifting posts I've read this month, and I loved the quilt projects you used to illustrate it! Thank you for your service and your upbeat attitude!

  10. You have the honor of working at the polling stations and I have the honour of knowing you (just via your blog).
    But well said.

  11. How creative are quilters in sending the message to vote - love all of those "VOTE" quilts!

  12. Good luck in your role. And good luck with the election.....

  13. I am glad you are discovering the joys of being an election worker. I started working in Canadian elections when my kids were little. It was such fun that I have continued, and have held every position. It is such a necessary job and poll workers are getting harder to find, so thank you for helping people to vote.

  14. I voted today! I teased one of the poll workers and I think she thought I was upset or angry. I kept playing with her and she finally laughed and returned the play!

  15. Hooray for you, Sarah, for being a poll worker! Every election season I work the phones and write letters to get out the vote. Due to an auto-immune illness I couldn't volunteer to be a poll worker this year when the need is so great, so I'm especially thankful to know that when any of those potential voters I called or wrote to do show up at the polls there will be good folks like you there to help them.

  16. So true! Thank you for serving your county and country this way!

  17. Thank you for your hard work making democracy REAL! :)

  18. Good for you! I’ve worked as a poll worker for a couple of years and really enjoyed it (except the part where I have to be there at 5:00 am! I’m NOT a morning person. I wish they’d let us split the shifts. Working from 5:00 am until well after 6:00 pm makes for a VERY long day.
    I begged off for this election due to Covid, though, and the fact that they’ll only have a few polls open. On the other hand, there are the two that are open for three weeks. They do seem to be well covered. If they continue to have early voting even after Covid, I’ll definitely be there again. I’m just really trying to avoid any excess exposure.

  19. It's so encouraging to see all the different ways that voting is being promoted this year. It's also good to hear that you are seeing many first time voters. It's kind of a disgrace how low the US voting turn out has been lately, so maybe people are waking up and realizing that their vote really does matter. I'll be voting in person on Election Day. Our local polling station is usually not very busy and I figure with all the mail-in ballots and early voting, it won't be very crowded. But I'll be glad to be done with the election ads.

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