Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hands2Help 2019 - Time to Link Up & Show Off!

Hi, all!

Well, it has finally arrived - the beginning of the end of this year's Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge!  It's hard to believe it's here - this year's Challenge has just flown by - but it's time to show off the beautiful quilts you have created for charity and tell us about them! The link-up is at the bottom of this post, but I thought I'd take this time to share the quilts made by our non-blogging participants.  You'll have lots of eye candy to peruse on your way to the link-up, and maybe it will inspire you for next year!  More about linking up below - for now, let's see all the pretties!


These five quilts were made by Anita SS, and are going respectively to the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project...

...Jack's Basket...

... and Mercyful Quilts!

Barbara H. made this beauty for Quilty Hugs...

Belinda S. made these four cuties for Jack's Basket...

Debbie S. has five quilts to show off - this one is for Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project...

...these two are for Jack's Basket...

...and these two are for Quilty Hugs!

Ila M. made these two fun baby quilts for Jack's Basket. Sometimes we forget just how effective a two-color quilt is!

Linda S. made this bright and cheery quilt for a local charity...

Mary from PCB made this cheery quilt for Quilty Hugs!

Nancy C. made these two quilts for the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project...

Natalie B. blessed Victoria Quilts with these four quilt tops...

Pam B. made this sweet little quilt for a local charity...

Rhonda B. made this pretty top (using one of this year's tutorials) for Victoria Quilts!

Ruth H. was busy making the following five quilts!  The first one went to Quilty Hugs...

...the next two went to Jack's Basket...

...and the last two went to Mercyful Quilts!

And finally, Sue T. is sharing these four quilts, the first two for Jack's Basket...

This one is for Mercyful Quilts...

...and this one is for Quilty Hugs!


And now it's time for you to link up!  You can link up a blogpost (new or written earlier), an Instagram post (new or posted earlier) or a picture posted on Flickr.  If you aren't on any of these platforms, please feel free to send me your pictures and I will add them to a blogpost later this week and link them up for you (be sure to list which charity you are sending them to!)  This link-up is how we get the final quilt and participant count, so please link up - and then go show some love to your fellow participants!    FYI you can put more than one quilt per link-up - I will check and count each one!  No need for an individual link for each quilt if you have posted about several in your post.

The linky party will stay open until noon on Friday, May 24th, at which time I will start feverishly collating the responses and divvying up the giveaway goodies!  The final count and winners of the giveaways will be announced on Sunday, May 26th, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, as they say here in Tennessee....

Thank you all so much for your heart for those in need!  When I did the first Challenge in 2011, I never planned for it to become an annual event - but so many of you asked for a chance to do it again, it was a no-brainer.  I am blown away by the love and charity in the quilting community - my hat's off to you!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. So much eye candy! I have my flimsy finished so I will be linking later this week. Thanks for hosting this Sarah!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting the challenge! It was just what I needed to finally make some baby quilts with fabric I'd put aside plus get some almost finished quilts done to donate. Love the choices of charities!

  3. Thank you for hosting this amazing event, Sarah! I'm so happy to be participating! I'm not sure what happened to my link, and can't figure out how to fix it. If I can delete it and start over, I will!

  4. Such an array of beautiful quilts! I only have one this year.. just finishing up the binding and will post and link tomorrow. Thanks so much for hosting this again! xx

  5. Wow, all these beautiful quilts are making my 'to make' list grow! I really need to retire so I can sew & quilt all day, LOL! Thanks for hosting again this year Sarah <3 You make it easy and fun :-)

  6. Thanks for your help, Sarah, and all your hard work!! I know the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project recipients will be thrilled with the quilts received. Thank you for choosing this charity to support this year.

  7. Another amazing year of inspiration and very fun quilts! Thank you, Sarah!

  8. Sorry for posting twice but I was having trouble with the crop tool on Linky. It is fun to see everyones quilts! Thank you Sarah for hosting!

  9. So many beautiful quilts! And I apologise for linking to mine twice. It didn't seem to be working on my phone and when I did it on my regular computer, I didn't realize it was adding to the TOP of the list, not the bottom. I didn't really send 12! I can't' wait to do this again next year!

  10. Thank you for the quilt show--
    Next year for sure for me!

  11. What a lovely roundup of quilts for all the charities. I've had such a lovely time making the ones I did.

  12. Thanks for coordinating such a heartwarming event. I’m so encouraged to see happy, generous givers who care so much for people. It’s a joy to be a part of it.

  13. Wow...there are a lot of quilts linked up already, and it's only day one. Thanks for everything that you do and for continuing to host.

  14. Thank you for hosting and working so hard on this project that has grown by leaps and bounds. There is such a growing need and as so evident, quilters are the most generous bunch of folks.

  15. Thanks for hosting the challenge again, Sarah! I'm sure it's a ton of work for you, but it's such a blessing to others :)

  16. Hi Sarah! Thank you for hosting this wonderful event. I am so looking forward to going through and reading all the wonderful quilt posts that are being shared. These pictures you have shared today - wow, quilters are a generous group as is reflected in these photos. ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. Good morning Sarah, I am overwhelmed by the generosity this event gathers together. Everyone makes these beautiful quilts and passes them along where they are needed. Mercyful Quilts has received so many amazing works of art. We are truly grateful for the kindness of each quilter as well as your efforts in putting this together. Thanks so much for having Mercyful Quilts as a recipient this year!

  18. Thank you, once again, for hosting this wonderful quilty charity. So many hugs go out with each quilt, I know it will make a difference in lots of lives.

  19. Hi, Sarah. I could not manage to link up with your Linkee but I did donate three children’s quilts to our local Project Linus charity on May 6. Please count this towards your total.

  20. Oh, wow, this post is chock full of inspiration! Thank you so much for keeping H2H going for all these years. It’s a real highlight of the year for the quilting community.

  21. I managed to link three quilts but in the process linked my Victoria Quilts #1 icon with a Jacks Basket title ;-(


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