Friday, May 31, 2019

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? What a Wild Ride!!!

Hi, all!

What a week it has been - and now Friday is here and it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  Are you ready?  Let's get started!


Well, first things first.  Last week I teased you about the final numbers for Hands2Help 2019 - and just in case you didn't see them earlier this week, we ended up with 200 quilters making 876 quilts!!!  That is so so so amazing - and it also means that through the Hands2Help Challenge, the blogging community has made and donated over 2300 quilts, supported many small charities, and touched lives all over the world.  You are all SPECTACULAR!

And once Hands2Help was finished, that meant it was time for all the "thank you"s to go out.  Some were mailed directly by the sponsors, but others have been accumulating at my house for the past few months. This is what one corner of my office looked like Monday morning...

All of the tubs on the tabletop, and the three boxes to the right, contained things I needed to mail out.  Tuesday morning Lilli came over and helped me get things started.  We packaged up the first big IKEA bag full of stuff...

...and headed out to the post office.  Wednesday saw two more trips to the post office, as I packed packages in the early morning, went to the post office, then came home and packed up some more and returned.  My local post office is a small town one, with only one teller (is that what you call them?) ...

... and let me tell you, she's a champ!  We laughed and talked as she processed all the packages - not just Wednesday, but also Thursday - five big IKEA bags full of packages all in all.  And now my office looks more like this...

An empty table and tubs...

Lots of empty boxes....

And a nice clean desk!!

And that small bag contains all the packages that remain for me to take to the post office Friday morning!

Now THAT deserves a whoop whoop!!!


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Thank you for all that you do for this event. This was certainly a huge need this year and the quilting community really came thru.

  2. 876 quilts calls for a major celebration. It has definitely got me whooping with joy. I am sure the next year will be just as spectacular if not more. You deserve all the kudos and then some.

  3. Wow - so awesome to hear how many quilts were made - and the wonderful post office clerk who processed these at the end. Big whoop, whoop from me for sure :)!

  4. Actually, she would be referred to as a postal clerk. At least that's what they used to be called (my mom worked in our small town post office for most of her life). Maybe you need to make her a quilt! Glad she's smiling. Thanks again for all your work on the H2H.

  5. Sarah, you deserve a HUGE Whoop Whoop for all of the work you do for this event. If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't happen. Thank you for all of your time, talent and treasure that you put into Hands 2 Help. 876 quilts....WOW!!

  6. Great job accomplished for another year!!!!
    We have a post office just like that!

  7. Whoop Whoop!!! That is so awesome - and thank you for all your hard work!!! What a blessing

  8. Good job, getting all the prizes out! That is amazing! Your postal teller is amazing! I took a car load of Quilty Hugs to Huntsman Cancer Institute and Primary Children's Hospital today. Thanks to your wonderful readers. I still have a load to give to The Rack Pack. Thanks for all you do to organize and put on H2H. It brings so much good.

  9. Sarah this is my first year doing H2H, and I'm just blown away, not only by the numbers, but also how much work it is for you. How do you afford to mail everything out??? "Thank you" seems a small thing for me to say, but thank you!

  10. Your postal clerk looks like she's having fun! I'll bet she rarely gets to know what's inside the packages so interacting with you probably makes her day :)

  11. I've thanked you several times already, but I'll thank you again for all your hard work and organizing efforts. I agree with Piecefulwendy. You should make a quilty gift for your postal clerk (even though I don't think they are supposed to accept gifts). Maybe a mug rug instead of a quilt. Now get back to sewing. You need to fill up all that clear space in your office.

  12. I got my prize in today's mail: a nice book. Thank you and your sponsors!

  13. Wow! What a spectacular response! All due to you, Sarah, for inspiring us. I didn't sign up but our church guild did take up your challenge and in April we turned in 12 quilts to the local low income health clinic for low income new mothers.

  14. A wonderful package arrived at my house today. You could not have picked a more appropriate gift for me than the Northcutt science fabrics. I also receive a very nice note from Emily. Both of these things are much appreciated. Thank you for organizing this project.


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