Friday, April 14, 2023

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That...


Hi, all!

Friday is upon us once again, and we all know what that means - it's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!!  Are you ready?  Let's go!


With the sun finally making an appearance this week, and warmer temperatures with it, I had to split my time between quilting and yard work.  Let's start with the quilting!

These two quilts bring us within just a few quilts of our big project goal - just a few more to do in the next week or so!  Both of these have been bound, washed and dried and are ready to go on the shelf with the others.  

In between doing those two quilts, I did some serious weeding and cleaning in my back flower bed....

...and two huge bags of trash later, I now have a nice clean flower bed!

I used to have a huge butterfly bush in this planter, but it didn't survive our weird winter, so I pulled it out.  It's not in this picture, but I planted a pretty japanese maple that I'm hoping will do well there.  It's listed for full sun, so it should.  We shall see!  I've also started spreading mulch, but my back will only take so much of hefting the large bags, so it's slow going.  

The day after I got the bed cleaned out, I treated myself to a trip to the local plant nursery and raided their perennials section!  I got more butterfly bush starters, candy tuft, yarrow, bee balm, delphinium, columbine, a peony, and a small rosebush.  

All those plants, except for the butterfly bush starters, have been planted in these pots, which I picked up on a 75% off sale last fall.  (Ignore the random red plastic pot - I'm not sure why it was there!)  I ordered some plant stands to raise them up to different heights.  

And I bought new bird feeders!!  I'm happy to say the birds appear to be appreciative, too.  These are a beautiful design - a scrollwork canister to hold the seeds, and a solar top so at night, they light up!  

I'll try to get some better pictures of the whole setup when I finish it this weekend, but I'm so happy with it!  

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



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  1. I have got to get some new pots one of these years, I have more things to put in pots this year and I am grabbing my crappy plastic ones as I have no pretty right now.

  2. It will be alt least a month yet until I get to plant outside after the last frost warning. Can't wait for the plants and flowers! Quilts are lovely.

  3. Not sure why my comment went to Anonymous, but I keep trying to deal with Google's peculiarites.

  4. So much good gardening going on. I’ve been working on mine too. I understand about body limitations. It can be so frustrating.

  5. Oh, yeah! Nice work in the studio and the yard!

  6. You got a lot done in an and out. Love the bird feeders with they come to them at night or is it just for the added garden interest at night?


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