Sunday, April 2, 2023

Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge Week #3 - Meet Our 1st Guest Blogger, Kat!


Hi, all!

Welcome back for another week of fun as we continue this year's Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge!  I'm so excited to report that we now have 141 people signed up for the Challenge - isn't that amazing? I just love how quilters always step up when the call goes out for comfort quilts.  It's the best thing about our community!

This week we are starting our guest blog posts, and it will be a little different this year.  In the past, the guest bloggers have always posted right here on my blog, but this year I want you to go over and visit their blogs!  It will make each guest post a surprise for me too, as I won't be able to view it until it posts on Sunday, and I'm excited about that!

Today our guest blogger is Kat from Scrap Box Quilts.  I love the tag line on her blog header:  "I want to .... make a difference".  That's such a great life philosophy!!  Kat is going to share a simple quilt tutorial with you, and I for one can't wait to see it!  If you'll click on the name of her blog in the first line of this paragraph, you'll be taken directly to the post.  And while you're there, take a look around!  Kat has a regular Friday post with links to some cool stuff she's found on other blogs on the internet (and I'm always looking for new blogs to follow, aren't you?)


There are two more things I want to share with you!  First of all, in my weekly email from Amy of Diary of a Quilter, she shared a link to her most popular free quilt tutorial.  If you're looking for another great simple quilt to add to your repertoire, this is definitely a winner.  Be sure to check it out!

And the second one is this amazing story about a 100 year old librarian/quilter who made a "banned books" quilt recently.  Her story is quite inspiring, and well worth a few minutes to watch!

See you next week!!




  1. Link to Kat’s blog does not work. You get this message: Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

  2. Glad everything is progressing nicely!

  3. I enjoyed and was able to link to both. I did fill out the form to join the challenge however, I did not receive any notification afterwards, so not sure if it went thru.

  4. Thanks, Sarah! Both these patterns will be great for H2H quilts!

  5. Catching up on the Guest Blogger posts today. Off to see what Kat has in store for us...


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