Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge Week #5 - Another Guest Blogger, Time to Check In, and A Giveaway!


Hi, all!

Five weeks in!  Can you believe it?  Seems like we just started this year's Challenge, but things are rolling right along.  We've got several things going on this week, but let's start with the most important one first. 

Today we are welcoming another guest blogger - Nann from With Strings Attached!  Spend just a few minutes on her blog and you'll realize she's a prolific quilter - but she's also a librarian.  Librarians have a special place in my heart, especially these days.  Some of my best times as a child were spent in a library, and many wonderful times at story hour with my grandkids since then.  Nowadays I use the library digitally more often than not, but I appreciate the work that librarians do even more nowadays.  So hop over to her blog and check out her post for today (and take a look around, you'll see what I mean about prolific!) and then come back for the other important things!  You can find her post by clicking the name of her blog at the top of this paragraph.  And guess what - - - Nann has a giveaway too!

Now for the second important item!  Today is our first check-in date, which gives you a chance to show off your progress, even if it's only a picture of your fabrics, or your pattern/design!  You can link up below to a blogpost or Instagram photo, whatever your heart desires.  If you aren't able to do that, leave a comment below letting us know how it's going.  We all want to cheer each other on!

And now for the third item - let's have a giveaway!  The wonderful folks at Your Nest Organizer sent me fourteen of these awesome organizers to give away!

Look at how much that holds!  All those little things that get pushed around on your workstation, now all corralled in one location.  Imagine how easy it will be to find them now....

And it comes in lots of gorgeous colors, too, each one named for a different bird.  (Birds have nests, yes?) You can see more about these great organizers on the company website or on their Instagram page, @yournestorganizer.

And just how do you enter the giveaway?  I'll be choosing fourteen winners from the people who have signed up to participate in the Challenge.  You also get your name in the hat an additional time when you link up your progress or leave a comment on this post or Nann's post.  (When you leave a comment, please add your first name and last initial at the end of your comment so we can definitely identify you!) 

I'll leave the giveaway entries open until midnight on Friday, April 21st, and announce the winners next Sunday, April 23rd.  

Now link up and show us your progress!



PS - If you still haven't signed up, and want to, click here to go to the sign-up post!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I thought there would an explanation somewhere about the challenge and what it is about exactly. I might want to join in if it's not too late and it is something I can do?

    1. If you go back to the March 19th blog post it gives info about the challenge and the requirements for each charity.

  2. Those nest organizers are sweet! I have another style and I use it all the time. Have to think of which photo to link up!

  3. I am on the ball this year!! I have six...count 'em, six quilts finished and another one in progress. These are my "kit" quilts that I put together last year. They are the easy cobblestone quilts in flannel. I did sneak in a cute hidden four patch baby quilt into the mix. I'm donating locally this year to both a charity called Love, Inc. and City of Refuge. Both are doing wonderful work in the local area. I'll try to get pics...😁

  4. So sorry Sarah, for some reason my link showed up twice today. If there is a way to delete it let me know! Those organizers look very useful, I am always looking for those little things in the mess beside the sewing machine. Vicki S.

  5. I can't seem to comment as me. This is Randy at Art Grooveau blog post. I have two tops started.

  6. I, too, don’t seem to be able to comment under my name. I have one flimsy finished and have started pulling fabrics for another. Nancy L

  7. I'm also not able to comment under my google account. I sent a finished quilt, and some patriotic blocks to Cynthia B. I also sent to 2 kids' quilts to Pat J in Florida, as well as some kids' fabrics. Suzanne D

  8. I've been stitching up tops for Victoria's quilts, and have 7 ready to go. A friend from my guild has also finished 10 more and I'll mail them to Canada all together to save on postage. -Louise H.

  9. I've been piecing quilts over the last several months with Hands 2 Help in mind. I have 7 tops and another I'll finish today. Now to get them quilted and bound. Thanks for encourging us to donate our talents to worthy causes.

  10. Working with Comfort Quilts, I have two quilts completed and donated for veterans at the local hospice. Four more tops are in various stages of sewing. Thanks so much for helping to keep us on our toes during the challenge.
    There does seem to be some limitation with the comments section blocking names.
    Connie W.

  11. Also unable to comment under my Goggle account. I have finished one quilt and have two more ready to quilt. Multiple other tops made. Mine will be donated to Little Lambs Foundation. Love this charity Sarah. Thank you for organizing it every year!
    Kathy W.

  12. I have 11 tops with backings and some bindings finished. working on number 12. Love the organizers! Karen B

  13. I am going to donate to MCC and Little Lambs. I have pulled fabrics for both and have one quilt laid out on the family room floor. Just selected some fabrics to audition for a border. Should be sewing soon.
    Mary Ann G.

  14. I am finishing up a baby quilt for Little Lambs,. This is my first year, do we mail directly to them or to you? Thanks. Melissa B.

  15. Thanks, Sarah! (Hope I qualify to enter for that way cool organizer gadget.)

  16. So happy to be participating again this year. I have 6 quilts ready to send to Little Lambs.

  17. I have 2 tops ready to quilt and a few more started. I look forward to this every year. My other donations through the year are to a local charity with very specific requirements. I enjoy sharing bigger quilts with Quilty Hugs.❤Heidee L.

  18. I've started a quilt for H2H23. It's in pieces, but those pieces are beginning to be sewn together. Thanks for the chance to win a prize, Sarah!

  19. This is so fun! My first time joining! I am working on a quilt called Brick House. Jo from Jo's County Junction make it years ago. I am almost done with all the blocks and will start laying it out this week. Thanks for all your hard work on this! Amy P

  20. Making packages for both MCC and Victoria quilts. Clearing out the UFO stash is an added incentive! Hopefully finishing up several for Little Lambs. Look forward t H2H every year.

  21. Nann is a really inspiring quilter! Thanks for the giveaway, too. I'm working on a couple of quilts for H2H!

  22. I have three in the works and a couple of UFO's to send for Mennonite Central to be finished by the group.

  23. I have made two quilts for Little Lambs of Utah and 2 tops for Victoria;s Quilts of Canada. I also made a quilt for a local friend who is undergoing chemo.

  24. I may be getting closer to actually connecting as Art grooveau. I am enjoying this . I have two tops done.

  25. I worked on quilts through the winter with H2H in mind. Mine will go to Little Lambs and Quilty Hugs.

  26. I’ve finished three quilts and need to decide where to send them. I love contributing to H2H!

  27. Wow, five weeks in? The time is flying by! Those are cute holders! Paulette H.

  28. Carol O I have 4-patch blocks cut out for a quilt for Little Lambs. Hoping to finish it in flannel.

  29. I made a quilt for our postal carrier, who has cheerfully delivered our mail for several years though all sort of weather and conditions. She is quite a recycler, so she was delighted that I made a crumb quilt for her with all sort of colors (she told me she loves all colors.)

  30. So many pretty quilts in the works. I am also using 4 patches for my quilt. Danice G

  31. Just thinking today I really need to decide what quilt I am doing for Hands2Help. Nothing like cutting it tight! Cynthia Brunz

  32. I am happy to say I have 5 quilt tops finished so far for Victoria’s Quilts Canada and Quilts For Survivors Carol A

  33. I'm definitely going to check out the website for the NEST. I think I absolutely need one and so does DH!!!! Judy B.aka grammajudyb


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