Friday, January 1, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? The First of 2016!!

Hi, all!

Can you believe that it's the first day of 2016???  The past year seems to have just flown by - at least for me!  I'm looking forward to another year full of quilt-making and creating, and I know you are too!  I hope you've been able to do some whooping this week, so let's get started and see what everyone's been up to!


I have not had the opportunity to sew much at all this week.  On Saturday morning after Christmas, we cleared out all the furniture and appliances from the kitchen...

...then over the next two days my husband ripped out the hardwood floors and laid down rosin paper...

...Monday and Tuesday he put down new sub-flooring...

Meanwhile, I was at work upstairs cleaning and re-organizing my sewing studio...

It's definitely a work in progress, and promises to get worse before it gets better...

...but at least I found the floor in front of my window again!!

And I re-organized all my thread!  The top of those two bookcases is going to be an ironing station now - I have a spare piece of plywood left over from the flooring to cover with batting and a pretty canvas.  I can't wait!  There's still a long way to go, but hopefully by next Friday, I'll have a clean and organized studio to share with you!!

After my husband finished with the sub-flooring, it became my turn to work on the floor.  

I spent Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday laying tile...

And when I quit Thursday night I was almost finished!

I still have about four pieces to cut, but they are going to be very tricky and I needed more brainpower than I had at the end of the day to do it then.  So that will be my project for Friday morning!

And one more thing I'm whooping about - - -

Thirty-seven years ago today I said "I do" to this great guy - and I haven't regretted it for a minute!  Here's to thirty-seven more!

So that's what I'm happy dancing about this week - can I get a whoop whoop??


And now it's your turn!

What have you been whooping about this week?

What's making you dance a happy dance?

Share - we want to dance right along with you - 

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight -

Hope to see you there!

Hugs and Happy New Year!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. What?? You are an awesome quilter and can lay tile, too? Aren't those tiles about 6 lbs a piece? Happy Anniversary and congratulations! This June will be a big one for us and I can't believe where the time has gone.

  2. What?? You are an awesome quilter and can lay tile, too? Aren't those tiles about 6 lbs a piece? Happy Anniversary and congratulations! This June will be a big one for us and I can't believe where the time has gone.

  3. Curious why you prefer tile over hard wood floor in the kitchen....

  4. First, if anyone can figure out how to cut tile to fit a space, it's a quilter! But I'm also curious why you chose tile over hardwood? A redo is in our future and it's always interesting to collect different perspectives.

  5. Congrats on 37 years and best wishes for many more!!! Your new floor looks great and your studio makeover is coming along nicely.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Congrats on 37 years! Your floor looks great!

  7. Congrats with 37 years with your hubby!! I am always glad to hear people stay together such a long time and are happy with that. You did a great yob in the kitchen. Happy 2016, but I am afraid before you know it is ....2017!!!

  8. Happy New Year, enjoy your beautiful floors and tidy studio.

  9. Congratulations on getting the flooring done and Happy Anniversary! I hope you do something special to celebrate!

  10. Wow, you are really making progress on your new floors! Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year!

  11. The tile looks lovely!
    Hope you are celebrating in a special way today!

  12. Congrats on your anniversary! We will be at 37 in February too! Floor looks awesome, can't believe you put it down so quickly!

  13. Congratulations! We just celebrated our 28th, and I've been surprised at how many other friends out here are celebrating anniversaries recently. Love it!

    Thanks for hosting all your wonderful linkies--even through the holidays.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  14. Congrats on the anniversary and the new floor.

  15. Happy belated anniversary! What a magnificent accomplishment, and what a great time of year for an anniversary! Here's to many more and a great new year to boot! Thank you for your wonderful blog, inspiration and link-ups!

  16. Happy Anniversary!!! And a big WHOOP WHOOP for all that you are doing in your kitchen and studio!!!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Happy New Year! I'd love to hear more about making a pressing surface.

  18. Happy Anniversary - your home make over is looking great! Such an ordeal, but well worth it in the end. Enjoy!

  19. Yes...happy wishes being sent your way! ENJOY your celebration of marriage.

  20. Your encouragement helps all of us quilt more for others, thank you. I have read your blog now for almost 2 years and I'm happy to report our local group of 5 ladies have made 50 quilts this last year for the children in Foster Care and 14 for Linus. Each of the 50 quilts were sent with there own drawstring bags. We are gearing up for another great year.

  21. I am quite impressed at all the work going on there!! Great job!!! and Happy New Year!! Heres to many more Fridays with you!! ( oh ps Happy Anniversary!!)


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