Friday, January 29, 2016

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Rockin' My Socks Off...

Hi, all!

It's finally Friday!  And you know what that means - it's time to get our whoop whoop on!!  I've been whooping a lot this week, and not just over quilt-y things - so let's get started!


First of all, you may have seen last Sunday's post, about Savannah's Sweet 16 Sock Drive...

I am so excited to say that the response has been UNBELIEVABLE!  Take a look at these pictures from just two days of shipments received....

...which resulted in a total of 1276 pairs of socks in TWO DAYS!!  She has another huge stack of packages she's sorting through right now, and I know there are still many people who haven't sent their donations yet (like me!)  Only five days into the drive, and it doesn't end until February 22nd!  If you'd like to become part of this fabulous story, please check out this blogpost for the full skinny.

Then, on the quilt-y front, I quilted and bound this sweet child's quilt for the quilt ministry...

...pieced a really nice men's top that will be part of the upcoming Nifty Nines Quilt-Along...

...pulled this beautiful batik top together in about two and a half hours the other day...

...and started piecing blocks for not one, not two, but three My Small World quilts!  In a moment of absolute lunacy, I decided it might be fun to make one for each grandchild.  Oh well, at least I've got until Christmas - nothing like starting early!

So that's what I'm whooping about this week!  


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you dance the happy dance?

Share - we want to dance along with you -

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight - 

Hope to see you there!



And a quick reminder - between the busy holiday season and the first flowers of spring lies the perfect time for creativity.  Celebrate with BIG savings on supplies at Craftsy, at up to 50% off!  Get great deals on art supplies, fabric, yarn, baking tools and more.  Browse the sale prices now before the best products are gone!  This sale runs from now until Sunday, January 31st at 11:59 PM Mountain Time.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love that batik quilt, so simple and beautiful. It makes me think of flowers in a pond.

  2. Lovely quilts! I'm so happy the sock drive has been so successful!

  3. This does my heart good! Let's sock it to cancer! :)
    Your quilts are beautiful. Good luck with your three small world quilts. I love that quilt!

  4. Wow! Three Small World Quilts?!? I made one and it took about three weeks. I think it wouldn't be that difficult to make three of everything though. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  5. Sarah, the link party is not working right won't let me enter

  6. My goodness you had a rocking week! Well done with all your productivity and progress. :)

  7. What a great response to the sock gathering. And the pinwheels are going to be cute for the G-babies quilts.

  8. Wow, you've been busy! They are all beautiful. Amazing response on the sock drive!

  9. Now that is a lot of socks haha! How exciting!

    THREE My Small Worlds?

  10. You've accomplished a lot this week! And it all looks pretty. ;)

  11. How lovely that people have responded so much to the sock drive! Does the heart good. Meanwhile, you certainly had a busy week!

  12. What a great success with the sock drive! That is fabulous!


  13. You are one busy girl!!! you rock

  14. I love the colors for the "sweet child's quilt" for the quilt ministry. and I'm heading over to read about the sock drive. Good idea starting early on those Christmas Quilts!

  15. What a great response to the sock request. How awesome. I'm having trouble adding my link. I'll try again later.

  16. Oh I love the batik top! The colors are so calming! Two hours...I would still be fretting over color placement. That's why I am so slow! Hoping to link up later.

  17. WHOOP WHOOP for the awesome response to Savannah's Sweet 16 Sock Drive. I love socks and will be sending in a pair! You are a machine! I wanna be just like you when I grow up. ;)

  18. Sorry I linked up twice and don't know how to delete the first to this and took me a bit to work out how to get the address to add to the link.....sorry.

  19. I've been busy sewing so I didn't see your sock post. It has really touched my heart and I have an extra pair of cute/funny Kermit the frog socks that I bought a couple years ago but haven't worn out my own. I'll go out and buy some more to fill out the package. Thank you for sharing that story! Please keep us updated on Whoop Whoop day.

    Your quilts are awesome as always! The batik one is my favorite! I have some leftover aqua batiks that might have to turn into something similar. I guess I'll have to out out and buy some pink to go with it ^_^ Happy sewing!


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