Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's On The Bookshelf Wednesday - Raising Grateful Kids...

Hi, all!

Today on What's On The Bookshelf Wednesday, I'm going to step outside of the quilting/crafting genre and share a brand new book with you - a great book if you have any part in raising children, whether as a parent, grandparent, or teacher.


I have been a fan of Kristen Welch for quite a while now, ever since I saw her posts start popping up on my Facebook timeline.  Kristen's blog, We Are THAT Family, shares stories of her journey through life teaching her three kids how to live Godly lives.  Those stories resonate with so many people that they are shared across Facebook thousands of times.  I highly recommend you check it out if you've never seen it before.  

Kristen writes:

"I never wanted to write a parenting book.  When I started writing on my blog about gratitude in the face of entitlement, I was writing from a place of struggle, not success… I’m writing from the middle of my mess, not from my accomplishment.  I am in the thick of it."

She may not have wanted to write a parenting book, but she has written a powerful book for parents (and those of us helping to raise kids)...

The most important thing I learned from this book?  Our kids are entitled because we ourselves are entitled.  I wanted to say, "I don't feel entitled."  Then I took a hard look at myself while driving (why doesn't that person get a move on so I can get where I'm going?), while shopping (oh my gosh does she have EIGHTEEN items in the speed lane?), at home (why can't you get your own drink? I don't want to walk back upstairs!) and it became clear that yes, I do feel entitled.  Is it any surprise that our kids feel entitled too?  

Kristen is the first one to say that this book isn't written from a place with all the answers - she is in the trenches too and shares the struggle.  She is real and down-to-earth and speaks from the heart.  She speaks about parenting against the flow, the value of service in teaching children (and their parents) gratitude, dealing with the everyday problems of social media, technology, overcommitment, all from a faith-based framework.  This is an inspiring book and one you will want to read! 

Released on January 26th, 2016, it is now available on as a paperback, Kindle edition, or Audible audiobook.  

Choose gratitude today, my friends!  




  1. Sounds like an enlightened and uplifting perspective. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. It sounds like something I would like to read. Thank you for sharing. I don't think we have to be raising a family to remember to be grateful for life's experiences along the way.


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