Monday, January 25, 2016

Make-A-List Monday - Second Verse, Same As The First...

Hi, all!

Are you still snowed in?  I hope those of you who got snow this past weekend stayed safe, warm, and got to SEW!!  I certainly did - we received about eight inches of snow on Friday that kept us in most of the weekend.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot to some of you, but in Middle Tennessee, it was a record one-day snowfall.  We're just not equipped to deal with that much snow!

Well, since I did get to sew, let's see how last week's list went...

1.  Work on a special secret quilt project.
I did make some headway on this one, and hope to start sewing a little later this week.

2.  Finish at least one of the Nifty Nines quilt along quilt tops.
Done!  And not just one, but two quilt tops are finished!  You've already seen the first, but here's a sneak peek at the second...

3.  Start piecing blocks for three My Small World quilts (these will become the annual quilt for the grandkids this year!)
Started!  I made the hourglass blocks and the large pinwheels for all three quilts.  I plan on working on these quilts a little bit each week so it will go slowly for a while...

4.  Contact possible sponsors for Hands2Help.  (If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, drop me an email at salliesue57 (at) gmail (dot) com!)
I did not get to this one.  I really want to take time to do this properly, and I got so caught up in sewing I completely forgot this was on the list.

5.  Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.
Done!  Three quilts this week...

This quilt was given to a little 9 week old girl with Kawasaki syndrome, a heart condition...

This one went to an eight-month old boy with pneumonia...

And this one was given to a man just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given a month or so to live.

I also wrote up an estimate for a commission job, which involved altering the size of the requested quilt and re-figuring the fabric requirements (an all-afternoon job that strained my math brain!)

So that was last week!  Not too bad, but I've got to get to work on the H2H stuff.  So let's see what's on tap for this week...

1.  Continue working on the special secret gift quilt.

2.  Continue working on the My Small World quilts.

3.  Start working on another quilt top for the Nifty Nines quilt along.

4.  Contact possible sponsors for Hands2Help, and finalize the charities.

5. Keep up with any quilt ministry needs that come up.

Looks a lot like last week's list, doesn't it?  The first two will be ongoing projects for a while, and Hands2Help has next priority.  Hopefully I'll get to work some other things in, though - quilting some ministry tops, for example!

And if you missed last night's post, I hope you'll check it out...

I've been blown away by the fabulous response already to my post - but it's only a drop in the bucket compared to the response that my friend Robin has received already to her initial request!  You can read about it here - and I hope you'll join me in showering Vanderbilt Children's Hospital with socks for their young patients!  Here's what I picked up today for the drive...

I may have gone a little overboard - but it's such a good cause!


And now the question is - - - what are YOU working on this week?




  1. Oh, how I wish I could sit and sew with you! You take my breath away dear girl.

  2. So glad to see some 'boy socks' in that pile too. I think it's easy for them to get overlooked sometimes when it comes to this sort of thing.

  3. You have been productive. I had a little chuckle..8 inches in Eastern Canada is just a little bit of snow...then I read the rest...I don't think of Tennessee as getting snow. Good luck.

  4. The store I went to had very few socks left, other than white (boring) and footie socks (for summer). I did find some. They will get mailed out this week.

  5. Yes, still snowed in and happily sewing today, day 5!

  6. I got to go to a sewing bee at my lqs before the snow started. I love the bright pinwheels, looking forward to watching this one come along.

  7. Both my hubby and I are suffering from horrible head colds. Ugh!

    But...I will get socks to Robin, continue knitting a summer cowl and hope to make a small Valentine quilt.

    Best of luck with your list!

  8. I'm finishing a wool shelf softie for a upcoming hop. A goal for this year is to finish 5 dresses for girls in Africa weekly. I'm going to try and start posting once a week by March 1st.. And have link up started for those that sew to help others. Hoping this might inspire others to do the same and give a little encouragement for those that already reach out with their own ministry. I need to come up with a good name for the link-up. Got any ideas?

  9. Actually, I have not sewn on any quilts this week. 'Have been instead sewing on pillowcase dresses for Dress A Girl. Planning on working on a quilt top that needs backing & quilting. This one will be for myself, and that's why it has been put off for a couple of years. You know how that is- we always put ourselves last. It is so rewarding to quilt and sew for others, isn't it? Mailing the socks for Savannah's sock drive on Monday the 1st :)

  10. ¡Quiero aprender aún más temas al respecto! es un artículo muy bonito


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