Friday, January 18, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? One Less Thing on the Bucket List..

Hi, all!

It's that time again - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I sure am!!  Come see what I did this week!


When a friend contacted me about making a baby quilt for her to give as a gift, I sent her some pictures of designs I could make within her budget.  And I'm so happy that she chose one that's been on my bucket list for a while...

I was having a little trouble getting pictures outside....

.... but here's a few more shots of this pretty quilt!

The background is a grey and pink daisy on white, and the border and binding are some of my long-hoarded Kate Spain prints in purple, blue and grey.  I love this quilt!  It was really pretty easy to make, just time-consuming to stitch down the letters.  The quilting is a fairly tight loopy meander, because I wanted to give it lots of texture. 

So that's my whoop for this week!  


Now it's your turn!  

What are you whooping about this week?

Share - we want to cheer you on!!

Remember, it doesn't have to be a finish -

It could just be a work in progress!

The linky will remain open until Sunday midnight - 

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your quilt looks great, nice work!

  2. That's such a cute pattern!! Nice to know you're a fellow Kate Spain hoarder ;)

  3. You really had some serious challenges trying to take that photo - cute quilt too!

  4. <3 that ! simple but elegant! whoop!

  5. Whoop whoop! What a pretty baby quilt. Great job, as always!

  6. Well, Sarah, I obviously had a linky problem! I thought it wasn't taking my info and did it too many times!! I don't see an X to delete my multiple entries.... help!! I really only wanted to enter it once! :)
    thanks, Susie
    thanks, Susie
    thanks, Susie
    thanks, Susie
    (just kidding now)

  7. I love your baby quilt! It's brilliant - something I'm going to have to make at some point too :) One to put in pinterest so I don't forget where I found it! x

  8. Sweet baby quilt! I bet it'll be treasured.

  9. I love your quilt so much. It's perfect for a little one and so much fun.

  10. Sarah! Terrific work ... and such fun! Love it!


  11. That IS a pretty one! Love how it's blowing in the wind there.

  12. I absolutely love the letters and wording!

  13. This is so simple, yet so stunning - have to keep this pattern in mind. So many lovelies linked up - just drooling from all the eye-candy goodness.

  14. I can see the letters being cumbersome,but look how beautiful it turned out!!

  15. Awesome finish Sarah! Love the shots of it blowing in the wind!


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