Friday, January 25, 2013

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? I Love Orange...

Hi, all!

It's Friday - are you ready to get your whoop whoop on?  I am!!  I'm so excited to have a quilt of my very own to whoop about today - 


Last July we went to the beach for a week of fun and sun.  Well, of course, I had to take my sewing machine and a project too!  Vacation is when I indulge myself and make a project for our house.  Last year it was this quilt...

...which I made for my husband.

This year I took my stash of orange fabrics, mostly from Kate Spain lines and some Chrysalis, and decided to use one of Jamie Elfert's patterns, Blue Me Away, to make my vacation quilt.

By the end of the first evening, this is what I had...

...a lot of pieces!  This quilt was much more intricate than the quilts I usually make, but so much fun - I was surrounded by lots of little pieces and having the time of my life!

I returned from vacation with a tan and this...

...but it still needed a border.  The grunge fabric I had originally thought I would use just wasn't right.  So I dug in my Kate Spain stash and found a print from the Serenade line that was perfect for this quilt...

...and this is how it ended up!  As my husband says, it's VERY orange - but I just love it!  Last week I had some time on my hands, and no little girls underfoot, so I did some fancy quilting...

...which shows up really nicely on the back!  This was so much fun - my quilting still looks a little drunk, but I'm getting better - there are feathers in all the chunky pinwheels, pretty swirlies in the borders, and some back and forth in the white borders.  I decided not to quilt over the small pinwheels, because of the seams.

And here's one last shot, just because it's pretty!

Looks like I may have a hard time holding on to this quilt... LOL!

In a strange quirk of fate, I shared the flimsy for this quilt on another whoop whoop Friday - and when I went back and read it again, I found the video of Emmalyn getting her hearing aids and hearing for the first time.  And today Emmy is having her second cochlear implant surgery!  

QUICK UPDATE: Emmy's surgery went very well - she went in about 8:30 and was home by noon.  Pretty much textbook, unlike the first one, and hopefully she's sleeping now, since she kept her parents up all night last night!!


So that's my whoop whoop for the week!!

What have you been working on?

Share - we all want to see and cheer you on!

So link up and dance your happy dance...

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight!  

Be there or be square!!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love your quilt, all that orange is lovely, feels like summer to me!

  2. Orange sunsets, Orange-aid, Orange sherbert - summer!

  3. Oh my! This orange quilt looks stunning.

  4. I woke up this morning to an orange delight and goosebumps! Your quilting is beautiful Sarah. My week has now ended on high note, which will lead to a sewing weekend. You have taken the pattern to a wonderful place that reminds me of summertime and beach picnics. Many hugs!

  5. It's wonderful; I love orange, too!

  6. It's a beauty! Orange has become one of my favorites.

  7. Someday I am going to make an orange quilt. Its just a happy color and I want some in my house.

  8. Very effective quilt - crisp and yummy! Happy dance for the cochlear implant too! Hope surgery goes well.

  9. Whoop whoop! Lovely colours in the quilt

  10. WOW! I LOVE that quilt! All that piecing paid off!

  11. It looks amazing ! Orange is in my someday pile. :) thanks for sharing wish it were mine because I love pinwheels. Janita

  12. LOVE IT! Such a great finish smack dab in the middle of winter. What a ray of sunshine it is. Congrats - it's beautiful!

  13. Oh my gosh! I love everything about this blog post! The fabrics you used are gorgeous. The pattern is fabulous. The quilting is amazing. Plus, is that your house in the background? Wow! And then to top it all off your daughter (I presume) is having a huge day! Best of luck to Emmy and congratulations on a beautiful quilt!

  14. Over the past year or so orange has been one of the colors I have started to work with that used to always turn me off. I guess the old saying goes, As we age, our tastes change. I love your quilts!

  15. I went orange this week too! Love your brightness...I went with browns :)

  16. Whoop whoop!!

    Exuberant explosion of warmth and dazzling motion ... love it, Sarah!

    What a load of blissful orange glow -- much needed here during a long freezing spell.

    Our best wishes to Emmy, you, and the family!

    Shine on!


  17. Love your cheerful orange quilt!!! The blue and green one is nice also.

  18. I used to say I didn't care for orange but now I'm all over it! LOVE your quilt!

  19. Great idea to work on a quilt on Vacation. Lots of Orange.

  20. Love this! Good for you taking time to finish a project for yourself! It will certainly cheer up the dreary winter days!

  21. you can never have too much orange :)

  22. Chrysalis is a lovely line and that quilt sings wonderfully!!

  23. That is a beautiful, cheery quilt! Glad to hear Emmy's surgery went well.

  24. I love that quilt. It is super gorgeous! And so happy for Miss Emmy! Glory to God!!!!

  25. Oh my! Love all those pinwheels!

  26. I love orange too and love the way you finished your quilt!

  27. I love that you take your sewing machine along on vacation and make something for yourself. I am going to do that next time we vacation! (No telling when that may be tho.)

    Love the pretty orange quilt! Good going on the quilting. I am excited for you trying new things, and so what if it looks a little drunk yet. It'll be fun to look back and year from now and see how far you've come.

    Glad Emmy's surgery went well. Was this building on the last surgery or a revision of some kind?

  28. Trippin' along the scrappy lane...trying to finish up my Scattered quilt, clean the house, etc. Lovin' that orange quilt. Better watch that little stinker! Need to cut more strips! Oh, yeah, I started another quilt! ha ha ha

  29. Girlie, that orange quilt is to die for!! Love it! And do I see you sporting a new haircut in your picture? Love it!!

  30. ooooooo! aaaaaaah! and sigh! What a beautiful and super-cheery orange quilt =D


  31. Orange is not one of my favorite colors, but I love how your quilt looks. The quilting really shows up nicely on the polka dot backing. The swirls and feathers look great.

  32. What a great quilt! I love pinwheels! They are so 'happy'! Glad for the good news for Emmy. Hope all is well. I have a question, is it hard to add the linky to your blog posts? Remember, I'm really tech UNsavey.


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