Friday, July 17, 2020

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? And So It Begins...

Hi, all!

Wow, that went by fast - seems like it was Friday just yesterday, but here we are again.  And you know what that means?  It's time for us to get our whoop whoop on!  I can't wait to see what you've all been working on, so let's get started!


The first thing I'm whooping about is making the deadline for the Christmas in July Pattern Parade hosted by Carole at From My Carolina Home!  I was a little worried I wouldn't make it, but everything fell into place and my post went up on time.  I posted a tutorial for this pretty Christmas tree skirt...

...and there are loads of other great blogs to check out with tons of fabulous ideas!  So if you haven't taken a look, I highly recommend setting aside some time to hop around and see all the offerings!  You can find the list of participating blogs on my post (just click here!)

Once that was done, I was able to choose another project - always a moment of great indecision, but I had fabric pulled for Lilli's annual quilt sitting on my table, so I decided to start!  She requested a Harry Potter quilt this year, so I went to Lorna's blog (Sew Fresh Quilts) and checked out her quilt-along from last year.  I've made several of her patterns and absolutely love them - they are intricate looking, but the instructions are impeccable and they work up so quick and easy!  

I decided to start with Dumbledore...

...and he was easy to cut and easy to assemble.  Then I moved on to Hermione...

....who also went together easily!  I was on a roll, and could easily foresee working up the twenty blocks quickly and moving on to the next quilt.....  

And then came Luna!  Lilli insisted that the glasses Luna wears are a very pale pink, almost white - but that obviously didn't work for this version.  Between the light hair, the light skin, and the light glasses, her face is just a blur.  So I've already cut out new pieces for those that need to be replaced, and I'll be spending time with my little friend Jack over the next day or two saving what I can and rebuilding this block!

And I finally got the new planter outside the patio dug up (thanks, honey!), edged and mulched.  Below you can see what it looks like tonight, with some pretty hanging plants and new shepherd hooks for the bird feeders. We also moved them out further away from the fence in order to "move the mess" and keep the fence a bit cleaner (birds anxiously awaiting their turn at the feeder are really messy critters!)

So that's what I've been working on this week - - - 
Can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with  you,

and it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. The garden is great,love the feeders, you will be able to sit and look down on all your work and enjoy!!!

  2. What a pretty little garden area! Nice work. It is amazing to see you put life into the characters.

  3. I love your Harry Potter blocks and I have to agree with you about the changes needed for Luna.

  4. Sarah instead of changing out pieces, why not outline each piece of the glasses in a darker color or dark pink?

  5. I love Lorna's patterns. I don't know where the time goes..blink and it's the weekend. And then's time to go back to work.

  6. Lorna's patterns are truly nice. The pale pink glasses do look good. 'Love your garden and bird feeders.

  7. Your masks are really neat looking. What did you use for the elastic for the ears? It looks really soft! And do you have a pattern you can share for the mask itself? Thanks!!

  8. Neat idea to make the Harry Potter blocks for your granddaughter. That would be a great idea for my oldest. She only reads the Harry Potter books — over and over and over. Maybe she needs a quilt too.


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