Friday, January 1, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!!

Hi, all!

Hello, and Happy New Year!!!  2020 is finally in the rear view mirror, and may 2021 be much less eventful and a lot more normal, right?  It's time for our first whoop-whoop Friday of the year, so let's start it off with a bang.  I'm sure you've got some secret sewing from the past month that you can share now! So let's get started...


Here's my first whoop whoop - January 1st is a big day around our house - forty-two years ago today, my husband and I got married!  I don't know quite how it got to be 42 years - I'm certainly not old enough for that - but it is what it is.  I can't think of anything I'd rather have done for the past 42 years, so I'm looking forward to the next 42 also!  And I'm truly grateful that my husband bears with my hobbies/obsessions and because of that, I discovered quilting and blogging.  

So yesterday when I went up to my studio to figure out what I would be blogging about today, I found a cute quilt top that was donated to the quilt ministry.  Given its theme, it seemed an appropriate top to quilt and bind for the last finish of 2020!

2020 was a rather prickly year, but this sweet little quilt is soft and cuddly!

A pretty little piece of peach colored tone-on-tone was just perfect for the back.

And a bit of green from my stash made binding to finish it off!  I do love a pretty binding shot, don't you?

I don't recall who donated this adorable hedgehog, but I'm honored to have been able to finish it up.  This last quilt of 2020/first quilt of 2021 will find a good home providing comfort to a child sometime in the next few months, and I can't think of a better way to start a new year!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's making you whoop it up this week?

What's got you doing a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Prickles combined with love, perfect for cuddles and to wrap a child with comfort and warmth.Happy New Year and many happy wishes as you celebrate 42 years, in February we will have our 59th, and I sometimes wonder how did we get to that number. XXX to you both.

  2. Sweet quilt for a cause!!! I love the swirls you gave it with quilting. Congrats on 42 years! They do seem to fly by.

  3. adorable quilt...i'm working on my very oldest UFO...applique borders...this will definitely be a 2021 finish finally!

  4. Such a cute quilt! Have a wonderful anniversary and Happy New Year!

  5. Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 44th at the end of December. Such a cute hedgehog quilt, someone will be delighted. Happy New Year to everyone, may 2021 be a better year for all of us.

  6. Happy Anniversary! We are on year 47, and how did that happen!! Have a blessed day and new year.

  7. Happy New Year and Anniversary! I think 2021 will be much better than could it not?!!

  8. That sure is an adorable little quilt! Happy anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year!
    I didn't get a lot made sewing wise this year because of making masks and some health issues. I hope 2021 is a better year.

  10. You certainly do deserve a Whoop Whoop! and all the best in the New Year too. Thank you for gathering us around your place again this year. I so love coming here and get inspired. It never fails. Cheers to you! ;^)

  11. Congratulations on your 42nd anniversary. I keep telling myself I'm not old enough to have a 40 year old daughter! That hedgehog is darling. How big was the quilt approximately? Some one is going to love that little guy.

  12. That hedgehog quilt is just adorable!! And congratulations on 42 years! We celebrated 43 in November and like you, I know I can't be old enough to be married 43 years! LOL

  13. Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary. Glad your connectivity issues have been resolved. Sad, though, that a motive for the destruction isn't known and may never be. Although we've all been through a lot in 2020, Nashville seems to have more than their share.

  14. Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary, 42 years WOW! Congratulations. My parents got married the same year as you did. Your hedgehog is so cute.

  15. That hedgehog is adorable! Some child will love it.


  16. Your hedgehog quilt is darling, Sarah, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  17. Happy Anniversary! I love the Hazel Hedgehog pattern. Happy New Year.

  18. Love your husband and I will be married 42 years come congrats.

  19. Happy anniversary, Sarah, and congratulations on finishing one last quilt for 2020!!

  20. How wonderful is that! Congratulations! I am praying for many more blessed years for you and your beloved.


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