Friday, January 29, 2021

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? Just Chugging Along...


Hi, all!

Wow!  It's Friday again, already?  Where did the week go?  I hope you had a good one, and have lots to whoop about today.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you have on your plate - so let's get started!  


This week I've been working on a trio of memory quilts, and I'm definitely whooping about having finished two of the tops so far...

...and the third one is up on the design wall and partially sewn together!

I should have all three tops done sometime today, and maybe the backs too!  Now that really would make me do a happy dance!

I've also been sending lots of emails this week, trying to find sponsors for this year's Hands2Help Comfort Quilt Challenge, and the responses have started rolling in.  And not only responses, but even boxes!

This ginormous box showed up on my doorstep on Wednesday...

...stuffed full as a tick with crib size quilt batts!  Now that's definitely whoop-worthy!!

And on a very happy note, I have enough guest bloggers now, plus a couple of extras!  Thanks to everyone who responded to my call for help - I LOVE this quilting community!

So - - - can I get a whoop whoop?


And now it's your turn!

What's got you whooping it up this week?

What's making you do a little happy dance?

Share!  We want to dance right along with you,

And it's always more fun to dance with friends!

The party will stay open until Sunday midnight.

Hope to see you there!



This linky list is now closed.


  1. Great job Sarah, 3 pretty memory quilts. Whoop-Whoop!!

  2. I love those memory quilts - the blue fabrics are so soothing in them all. So happy for your donations for Hands2Help - and enough guest bloggers. I've been making so many baby quilt tops that my chair was ready to tip over (it acts as a 'railing' for them) :) - but am now slowly quilting and binding them one by one, so that feels wonderful. Enjoy finishing your 3 memory quilts today.

  3. Good job on all of the work for this Quilt donation drive you do! I do like this latest string therapy quilt!!!

  4. The memory quilts are lovely!


  5. Great progress, Sarah, and congrats on the incoming prizes for this year's H2H!!

  6. Glad you got guest bloggers. Congrats on the memory tops.

  7. The memory quilts look wonderful! Good work!

  8. You been busy! Thanks for all you do for H2H. It is excited to see the response each year! I've already been starting on some charity quilts for H2H.

  9. Awesome work on your quilts, and progress on H2H. It was fun Zooming with you!

  10. I don't know where January went. But I was glad this week was was a crazy work week. I think I need a week off just to recover. LOL Congrats on the sponsors.


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